
definiens n.定義。


Since 1970 ' s , many investigators have made a plenty of studies about the aggressive behavior of the schizophrene , but did n ' t come to an accordant conclusion . maybe the reason is that they did n ' t take the same definiens of the aggressive behavior and violent behavior or the same tool to measure the personality 自從上個世紀70年代以來,國內外的學者對此進行了廣泛深入的研究,產生了大量的研究成果,但是結論尚未統一,這可能是所采用的攻擊行為和暴力行為的定義不同和人格的測量工具不同等而造成的。

Definiens and principles of crm are introduced and summarized in section ii . this paper has five types about crm ’ s definiens , management theory , marketing theory , customer asset , technology , decision 一方面與企業界對crm的認識不足、實施草率等因素有關系;同時,缺乏行之有效的評價方法,也是不能科學衡量實施結果的一個重要原因。