
deficient adj.1.不足的,缺乏的。2.不完全的,有缺陷的。3....


Only when seen in isolation it becomes deficient and thus a seat of pain 只是當孤立地看方顯得匱乏并因此如坐針毽。

Investigation and prevention analysis on fe deficient anemia of 232 infants 232名嬰幼兒缺鐵性貧血的調查及防治分析

Because the heart blood is deficient , the patient felt the house shaking 因為心血虛損,這個病人覺得房子在搖動。

Case of deficient of current world healthy drinking water is very severe 當今世界健康飲用水匱乏情況十分嚴重。

Agronomic and biochemical characters of chlorophyll deficient mutant hs 821 of soybean 821的農藝性狀和生化特性

Chinese students ' deficient methods in learning english and their corrections 我國學生學習外語的誤區及其對策

But the circumstance estimation that sees you is deficient much , regretful 但看你的情況估計是虧多,遺憾。

Spatial variability of regional water requirement and water deficient ratio 區域需水量和缺水率的空間變異性

Plz107 then was transformed into methylation - deficient e . coli et12567 轉化甲基化缺陷型大腸桿菌et12567 。

Treatment of 31 cases of lungs - deficient cough by modifeid bufei decoction 補肺湯加減治療肺氣虛咳嗽31例

She says that i ' m fun - deficient 她說我是個完美的先天不足

If any sample weld is deficient , all welds shall be checked 若任一取樣焊縫有缺陷,需檢查所有焊縫。

Both sayings are deficient in persuasion 以上兩說都有弊端。

Are not his powers deficient just when he has most need of them 當他最需要力量時他就不缺力量嗎?

Most of the food they eat is deficient in iron and protein 他們吃的大部分食物缺乏鐵質和蛋白質。

Cottonseed meal is deficient in lysine , methionine and leucine ? ?粉缺乏賴氨酸,蛋氨酸和亮氨酸。

Law that is deficient is better than law that is uncertain 有缺陷的法律也要比不確定的法律要好。

People who don ' t drink enough milk are deficient in calcium (牛奶喝不夠的人通常會缺乏鈣質。 )

Sir , you are both ungallant and deficient 你太無聊,而且不成熟