
defaulter n.1.不履行者;拖欠者;缺席者。2.虧空(公款)者。3...

defaulter sheet

The person to whom recovery notice is issued must pay over money , if any , not exceeding the amount of tax in default held on account of the defaulter to the inland revenue department within a stipulated time . failure to do so will render the person personally liable for the whole of the tax which he was required to pay 任何人接獲追收稅款通知書,必須于法定時限內,將因該拖欠稅款的納稅人而持有,又不超出有關拖欠稅額的金錢(如有的話)交予稅務局。如該人士未能照辦,則須個人負上他被規定繳付的全部稅款的法律責任。

Personal credit institution results in lowering the transaction cost of consumer credit , and provides the commercial banks for developing consumer credit with the institution condition for assessing the borrowers , exerting credit monitor and controlling the risk of the consumer credit through the sharing mechanism of the personal credit information and the punishing mechanism of it to the defaulter 個人信用制度的作用在于降低消費信貸交易成本,并通過個人信用信息共享機制和對違約者的懲戒機制,為商業銀行發展消費信貸提供評估借款人、實施信貸監管和控制消費信貸風險的制度基礎。

I started , or rather for like other defaulters , i like to lay half the blame on ill fortune and adverse circumstances was thrust on to a wrong tack at the age of one - and - twenty , and have never recovered the right course since : but i might have been very different ; i might have been as good as you - wiser - almost as stainless 我開始,或者不如說因為像其他有過失的人一樣,我總愛把一半的罪責推給厄運和逆境在我二十一歲時我被拋入歧途,而且從此之后,再也沒有回到正道上。要不然我也許會大不相同,也許會像你一樣好更聰明些幾乎一樣潔白無瑕。

The respective amounts of medical fees written off by ha in each of the past three financial years , together with details of the types of non - payment , categories of the defaulters ( such as hong kong permanent residents , people from the mainland and overseas visitors ) and the amounts of non - payment for each year (一)過去三個財政年度,醫管局每年的醫療費用撇帳金額;請按年詳列欠款種類、欠款人的組別(例如香港永久性居民、內地人士及外地旅客等)及欠款數額;

The whip , whose knotted thongs are reminiscent of the later cat o ' nine tails used to discipline navy defaulters , was found during excavations of the rubbish pit of a london house dating back to the late saxon period between 900 and 1050 ad 據路透社11月21日報道,這條皮鞭是在倫敦一座建于公元900年至1050年間的房屋的垃圾坑里被發現的。為了增加皮鞭抽打的“威力” ,皮鞭有多條尾巴,每條尾巴上都打有結。

If the outstanding judgment debt remains unsettled , the department will issue a writ of fieri facias to levy execution against the movable property of the defaulter , or apply for charging order on the immovable property belonging to the defaulter 如獲法院裁定的債項仍未清繳,本局可申請扣押債務人財產令狀,扣押納稅人的動產或就該名納稅人的不動產執行押記令。本局亦會提出破產清盤的申請。

The defaulter will be liable to the court fee , fixed costs and interest on the judgment sum from the date of commencement of proceedings to the date of full settlement in addition to the outstanding tax due upon entry of judgment 拖欠稅款的納稅人除須繳付在登錄判決時已到期繳付的欠稅外,還須負責繳付法院費用定額訟費及由申索訴訟開始至判定債項全數清繳日期間的利息。

To facilitate collection of outstanding debts from frequent defaulters , a frequent defaulter report is generated on a weekly basis . the report lists out the amounts due by patients who are currently under maintenance at a particular hospital 為方便追討經常欠款者的未償債項,每周編訂經常欠款者報告,列出某間醫院各住院病人的應繳金額。

The person to whom recovery notice is issued must pay over money , if any , not exceeding the amount of tax in default held on account of the defaulter to the inland revenue department within a stipulated time 任何人接獲追收稅款通知書,必須于法定時限內,將因該拖欠稅款的納稅人而持有,又不超出有關拖欠稅額的金錢如有的話交予稅務局。

If the outstanding judgment debt remains unsettled , execution will be levied against the movable property and charging order will be applied on the immovable property belonging to the defaulter 如拖欠稅款的納稅人仍不清繳尚未清還的判定債項,法庭將針對該納稅人的動產提起法律程序以執行判決,并就該名納稅人的不動產執行押記令。

The broadcaster is able to charge higher fees , and potentially has the opportunity to generate substantial revenues from value added services in future . in addition , operators are more easily able to deal with defaulters 廣播營運商則可收取較高月費,并且在將來有機會透過增值服務取得可觀收入,營運商也較易處理不付款的用戶。

The debt collection agency of a certain bank was pursuing debts against an innocent and entirely unconnected third party who happened to be living in the last known address of the real defaulter 事件中某銀行聘用的收數公司按照欠債人最后報住的地址追收欠款,誰知當時的住戶并非欠債人本身,而是與債務毫無關系的另一人。

It means the defaulter can get greater benefits from defaults than those he may get in fulfilling ; or when the cost to fulfill is exceeding the benefits of all parties , default is more effective than fulfilling 在這一理論下,合同法已由原來的“單純懲惡揚善的工具”變為一種“合理劃分商業風險的法律手段” 。

Now , lenders are struggling to retrieve their advances but many defaulters are reluctant to pay because they believe their debts will be written off if they hold out long enough 現在,借款公司在想盡辦法收回透支貸款,但是很多逾期者根本不愿償還,因為他們相信只要長期撐下去,他們的債務就會被一筆勾銷。

Promoting health and preventing std and skin diseases through individual health counselling and other health education activities . 3 . tracing contacts for investigation and defaulters for treatment and follow - up 3 .追溯病者與他人接觸的紀錄,以便調查病歷及訪查缺席病人情況,以便給予治療和跟進護理。

The spokesman stressed that failure to apply for a new id card within the specified period would constitute an offence . defaulters may be prosecuted and liable to a fine of $ 5 , 000 發言人強調,如未能在指明限期內換領新身份證,即屬違法,違例者會被檢控,并可被罰款5 , 000元。

The spokesman stressed that failure to apply for a new id card within the specified period would constitute an offence . defaulters may be prosecuted and liable to a fine of 5 , 000 發言人強調,如未能在指明限期內換領新身份證,即屬違法,違例者會被檢控,并可被罰款5 , 000元。

The labour department will strengthen enforcement action against wage defaulters , and will propose increasing the maximum penalty for wage default offences 勞工處會繼續加強執法及檢控欠薪的罪行,并會建議提高違例欠薪罪行的最高刑罰,以收阻嚇作用。

Revenue officials accompany the eunuchs with records to settle the outstanding dues on the spot . the eunuchs get 4 percent of what they collect from defaulters 稅務人員跟著這些征稅的太監,告訴他們欠稅的時間。太監可以從征得的稅款中提取4 %的傭金。