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deep pockets 雄厚的財力(指訴訟的一方財大氣粗)。

deep rooted

Abu dhabi , united arab emirates , jan . 31 ? in this land of big ambition and deep pockets , planners on wednesday unveiled designs for an audacious multibillion - dollar cultural district whose like has never been seen in the arab world 1月31日報道于阿拉伯聯合酋長國的阿布扎比? ?周三,在這個充滿著雄心與財富的土地上,設計者們宣布了耗資數十億美元的新型文化區的設計樣式,在阿拉伯世界里從未見過類似的設計。

Abu dhabi , united arab emirates , jan . 31 ? in this land of big ambition and deep pockets , planners on wednesday unveiled designs for an audacious multibillion - dollar cultural district whose like has never been seen in the arab world 1月31日,在阿拉伯聯合酋長國的阿布扎比這個滿是雄心與財富的土地上,設計師們展示了即將斥資數十億美元建設的新型文化區的設計圖,在阿拉伯國家還從未見過類似的設計。

So instead , americans will sue us companies , who have deeper pockets ? usually , the us distributor of the flawed products , or anyone in the distribution chain who has enough links with the us to be terrified of a us court 因此,反過來,美國人會起訴腰包更鼓的美國公司? ?一般是瑕疵產品在美國的分銷商,或是銷售鏈上任何一個與美國關聯密切、足以將之送上美國法庭的人。

A report on european football for the european commission last year fretted that “ football should not be a contest between corporate leviathans with the outcome dictated by whoever has the deepest pockets ” 去年歐盟委員會的一項歐洲足球報告對現狀就頗感焦慮,指出“足球不應當成為巨無霸公司之間的競賽,比賽結果也應當避免受到腰包最鼓的富豪們的操縱。 ”

Call them “ filmanthropists . “ they have deep pockets and issue - driven agendas . rather than make high - class dramas that might carry some mild social message , these producers are turning out full - blown advocacy movies 這些人統稱電影善人。他們荷包滿滿,關切社會議題。這些制片寧愿舍棄帶點溫和社會訊息的高格調劇情片,轉而推出鼓吹某項議題的成熟電影。

They are tempting targets , but any suitor will need deep pockets ? and confidence that the european market will indeed , despite all the political meddling , soon become truly open 這兩家公司是很吸引人,但任何一個買家都需要有充裕的資金,還要相信,盡管有政治上的種種干涉,但歐洲市場確實很快就會完全開放。

The results showed that young chinese shoppers have ever deeper pockets , with 52 percent saying they had spent more than 1 , 000 yuan on a single item of clothing recently 調查顯示,中國的年輕消費者們似乎很有錢,有52 %的受訪者在最近一段時間內,都曾買過單件價格超過1000元的衣服。

A dramatic breakthrough to success will probably require a determined effort by a party with deep pockets , one that has more to gain from interoperability than it has to risk Wordnet是由普林斯頓大學負責的一個項目,它創建了結構化的字數據庫和由語義關系聯系的同義詞。

Mohamed al fayed has deep pockets but the harrods chairman estimates that he has spent about ? 200 million on fulham since he took control of the club ten years ago today 默罕默德.阿爾.法耶德很有錢,但是這位哈羅德的老板估計他在接管福勒姆的10年里已經花費了2億英鎊。

Located along the country ' s pristine coastline , the islands are said to be attracting attention from people with deep pockets and a taste for privacy 這些小島位于克羅地亞未受破壞的原始海岸線附近,據說它們吸引了一些有錢而且喜歡享受個人空間的人。

Some analysts say their deep pockets will allow them to catch up in the future through further acquisitions 一些分析人士說,國外的網站有著雄厚的資金,通過不斷并購,他們在將來很有可能趕超中國的網站。

“ i don ' t have deep pockets , son , you have to pull up your sockets and tighten your belt in order to take off your career 譯文: “我不是很有錢,兒子,你必須奮發圖強,勒緊腰帶才能使你的事業騰飛。 ”

Such a mechanism might bolster entertainment companies that do not have the deep pockets of the hollywood studios 這類機制或許可以幫助那些資本不如好萊塢制片廠雄厚的娛樂業者。

And overseas acquisitions can be justified by more than just ambition and deep pockets 除了宏偉的抱負和雄厚的實力之外,中國公司在國外進行并購一事還另有原因。

Big company often use its deep pocket as a leverage to initiate price war against competition 大公司經常用雄厚的資金作為一種手段,打價格戰來摧垮競爭。

Ms sarobi recently toured europe to rally sympathetic ears and deep pockets to her cause 薩洛比最近才到歐洲巡?旅行,為她的計畫尋找支持的聽眾和資金。

Many foreign students in the u . s . depend on the deep pockets of their parents 許多在美的外國學生其經濟來源是靠他們的父母。

Mr . c is facing financial difficulty without a reliable deep pocket to help 先生面臨經濟困難,沒有一位可靠有錢人的幫助。

Our university ' s annual budget mainly comes from maryland ' s deep pockets 我們大學每年預算的來源,多半來自馬里蘭州。