
decrepit adj.衰老的,老弱的;老朽的。 a decrepit ...


The decrepit old man , kutuzov , had bade them wake him early next day , and in the early morning he said his prayers , dressed , and with a disagreeable consciousness that he had to command in a battle of which he did not approve , he got into his carriage and drove from letashevka , five versts behind tarutino , to the place where the attacking columns were to be gathered together 第二天清晨,衰老的庫圖佐夫起床后,做了祈禱,穿上衣服,懷著他必須指揮一場他并不贊成的戰斗的不愉快的心情,坐上馬車,從列塔舍夫卡離塔魯丁諾五俄里出發去擔任進攻的各縱隊集合的地點。

Abstract : spraying chemical controlling matter ( drought - resistant agent ) on wheat blade in medium - late growth period . we found it influenced transpiration rate , water - retaining capacity , containing water content of dry weight , seeping conductive rate , chlorphyll content and so on in different degree , and improved the moisture content stage of wheat , reduced the seeping of electrolyte , have an obvious effect on delaying decrepit and increasing production 文摘:小麥生育中后期葉面噴施化學調控物質(抗旱劑) ,對蒸騰速率、保水力、干重含水量、外滲電導率和葉綠素含量等均有不同程度的影響,明顯地改善了小麥的水分狀況,降低了電解質的外滲率,有明顯的保綠延緩衰老的作用,增產效果顯著。

Therefore , i hope china will be active in the global negotiations in persuading countries that have resisted reforms to follow this proven path to economic development . china s challenge a hundred years ago , a weak and decrepit and old china was turned upside - down by forces from abroad 中國面臨的挑戰一百多年前,衰弱落后的舊中國被來自國外的勢力搞得混亂不堪。閉關鎖國使20世紀的中國人付出了慘痛的代價。

The letters were only meant to be in place for a year and a half , but remained and in 1949 the local chamber of commerce decided to remove the then - decrepit sign ' s last four letters stripping the sign down to read “ hollywood . 這些字母本來只打算在這里放上一年半,可是因為各種原因,這個標志竟一直保留了下來。到1949年,當地商會決定去掉當時已經破舊不堪的最后四個字母,成為我們今天所見到的hollywood 。

The catch is that property developers are turning the decrepit buildings , abandoned when most businesses fled a crime - wave for the northern suburbs in the early 1990s , into swanky apartment blocks , and property prices have been rocketing 上世紀90年代初,多數商業公司因為要遠離原所在地的犯罪高潮而搬遷到北郊,吊詭之處在于,房地產開發商將他們遺棄的破樓改造成了時尚公寓街區,而房價也一路上漲。

It doesnt matter what i do to this hundred dollar bill , it doesnt matter how ugly and how old and how dirty and decrepit this hundred dollar bill is , it is still worth a hundred dollars , right ? i cant diminish the value of this piece of paper unless i burn it 不管我怎樣處理這張鈔票,無論它有多丑有多舊有多臟有多破,這鈔票仍然價值一百元,除非我把它燒掉,否則我無法毀滅這張紙鈔票的價值。

With regard to decrepit condominiums that are feared to worsen the residential environment , by drawing up guidelines for their maintenance and reconstruction , the government is working to facilitate their reconstruction and upgrading as well as to ensure more long - lasting habitats 針對因破舊而對居住環境狀況日益擔憂的住宅樓,通過指導起草維修管理和重建的方針,以確保延長居住年限。

Some reason is that an englishman herd , the general customs commissioner at that moment is in inescapable responsibility , while britain and france ' s scramble for china ' s postal power and the qing government ' s decrepit are also the important reasons 個中原因,時任海關總稅務司的英國人赫德起著不可推卸的責任,而英法兩國對中國郵權的爭奪和清政府的昏聵無知也是其中的重要原因。

Russia is resentful about its fall from superpower status , but it also seems reconciled to u . s . military dominance and more interested in tapping its massive oil and gas reserves than in rebuilding its decrepit military 俄羅斯對自己喪失超級大國的地位心存不滿,但是它并不愿意挑戰美國的軍事優勢,它更感興趣的是挖掘自己豐富的油氣資源而非重建其江河日下的軍隊。

Billionaire media tycoon rupert murdoch of news corp . says , more than 40 years ago , lee kuan yew transformed what was a poor , decrepit colony into a shining , rich and modern metropolis all the time surrounded by hostile powers 默多克說: “過去四十多年,李光耀把一個貧困衰弱的殖民地發展成富裕興盛光芒四射的現代大都會,期間充滿敵意的列強始終虎視耽耽。

If non - japanese asians and americans agree on anything it is that moaning europeans are receiving precisely what their decrepit economies and policy sclerosis deserve 如果亞洲人(日本除外)和美國人就某些問題達成共識的話,那就是經濟陳舊政策僵化的歐洲國家自作自收。

Sung opens the hand hold that one oneself fetch that dull huang of and decrepit leaf , silently want to let ever the person to lead long the dream encompass 宋開手里握著那一片枯黃的而且殘破的樹葉,默默地想著曾經讓自己魂牽夢縈的人

He alternates between looking at specific linux devices and showing you in detail how to use linux on decrepit hardware that s past its reputed prime 他依次研究了具體的linux設備并向您詳細展示如何在過時的硬件上使用linux 。

Luckily , when taitung ' s mayor lai was elected into office eight years ago , he designated the decrepit building for renovation and restoration 幸好八年前當臺東賴市長當選后,他重新規劃這棟破舊的建筑物,將他整修與復原。

To say nothing of his qualities as a general , can we appoint , at such a moment , a man decrepit and blindyes , simply blind 我這還不是談他作為將軍的資格問題,難道在這種時刻能夠任命一個老朽的瞎眼的人,一個十足的瞎子嗎?

Heb . 8 : 13 in saying , a new covenant , he has made the first old . but that which is becoming old and growing decrepit is near to disappearing 來八13既說新約,就以第一約為舊了。但那漸漸陳舊并衰老的,就快要消逝了。

Only with the occasional piggy - back from american consumers can the decrepit germans , french and italians make any progress at all 美國消費者偶爾騎墻轉向,式微的德國、法國和意大利經濟才能有所改觀。

He always preferred the decrepit to the new , the traditional to the modern , the dated manner of antique curios to current design 他總是表現著老舊和新生、傳統和現代、過時的古董樣式和時下設計的對比。

The youthful dynamism of america , and now of china and india , seems to be leaving the decrepit old continent in the shade 美國的青春活力,如今則是中國和印度的活力,似乎正使得衰落的舊大陸大為遜色。