decontaminate vt.1.純化,凈化,去污,弄清潔。2.清除毒氣;消除(...
vt. 1.純化,凈化,去污,弄清潔。 2.清除毒氣;消除(放射性)污染。 3.對(文件等)作刪密處理,刪除(將公開發表的文件的)保密部分。 n. -nation “decon=decontaminate“ 中文翻譯: 清除毒氣“decontaminating“ 中文翻譯: 除污染; 凈化劑; 去污劑“decontaminant“ 中文翻譯: 除染劑; 純化劑; 防污染劑; 凈化劑; 去污劑; 洗消劑“decontaminating a aratus“ 中文翻譯: 去污裝置,消毒裝置“decontaminable“ 中文翻譯: 可凈化的; 可去污的; 可消除污染的; 易去污的“decontaminating agent“ 中文翻譯: 凈化劑,去污劑; 洗消劑“decontaminability“ 中文翻譯: 可去污性“decontaminating apparatus“ 中文翻譯: 去污染設備; 去污裝置,消毒裝置; 洗凈[去污]裝置; 消毒器,滅菌器“decontaination agent“ 中文翻譯: 污染去除劑“decontaminating column“ 中文翻譯: 凈化柱; 去污染柱; 提純柱“decontaination“ 中文翻譯: 污染去除
decontrol |
Porcelain stone exploited from a mine is changea into brick - form mud block , through the processes of water - ramming , washing , decontaminating , and depositing . then , the mud bolck is treated with water for farther decontaminating , and is twisted with hand or treaded with feet for squeezing air out of the blocks and for distributing water content well in the block 從礦區采取瓷石,經水碓春細,淘洗,除去雜質,沉淀后制成磚狀的泥塊。然后再用水調和泥塊,去掉渣質,用雙手搓揉,或用腳踩踏,把泥團中的空氣擠壓出來,并使泥中的水分均勻。 |
American new public administration approach thought that if public administration is really about to contribute to the development of human - orientation , it should depend on social equity as motive for development , meanwhile , it should be integrated into the social cultural environment , and the government should initiatively establish interactive relationship with the public sincerely by communication , founding various kinds of social organizations and so on , in order to decontaminate the social ethic , to improve the new pattern of interpersonal relationship , to make people have the sense of belonging , and to construct happy homestead 摘要美國新公共行政學派理論試圖闡述這樣一個問題,公共行政管理若要真正對以人為中心的發展作出貢獻,應該以社會公平為發展動力,并且要把公共行政管理有機地納入相應的社會文化環境之中,政府主動與民眾建立真誠的互動關系,通過溝通以及建立各類社群組織等手段,以此達到凈化社會道德規范、增進新型人際關系、使人類有歸屬感、構建人類幸福家園的目的。 |
To decontaminate vehicles , machinery and other bulky surfaces , purdon worked with his colleague andrew burczyk to invent cascad ( canadian aqueous system for chemical - biological agent decontamination ) , which is a buffered hypochlorite solution combined with a surfactant and a solvent 為了清除車輛、機具與其他的大面積污染,珀登與他的同事柏克柴合作研發了加拿大清除生化戰劑污染用液態系統( cascad ) ,這是一種次氯酸鹽的緩沖溶液,內加界面活性劑與溶劑。 |
By studying characteristics , merits and solving problems of the different nozzle and new spray equipment in asphalt gas decontaminating for carbon calciner , the research provides a basis for the industrial design of swirl nozzle 摘要在闡述瀝青煙氣凈化系統中不同霧化設備及新型霧化設備特性的基礎上,分析了碳素焙燒爐瀝青煙氣凈化系統的霧化冷卻的技術現狀,并指出了存在的問題,為工程設計選擇霧化設備提供了參考。 |
The main products of our company are as follows : powder - painting equipments , electrophoresis equipments , aluminum - oxidation equipments , transportation and decontaminates and so on enamel equipments heat - welding powder painting equipments 本公司專業產品有:粉末噴涂設備、浸塑設備、電泳設備、鋁氧化設備、曲面披覆設備、油漆涂裝設備、全自動前處理設備、輸送機設備、空氣凈化設備、搪瓷設備、熱熔結粉末噴涂設備。 |
Aimed at recycling source of low temperature waste heat , utilizing renewable energy source and decontaminating atmospheric environment to keep sustainable development of human society , the low temperature waste heat power generation was researched in this paper 為利用可再生能源和凈化大氣環境,使人類社會得到可持續性發展,本文以回收低溫余熱源為目的,開展了低溫余熱發電的研究。 |
Pollution result inpositive ion , positive ion ' s oxidation affect body aging for unhealthy . bamboo charcoal will release negative ion as plantation , countercheckoxidation , decontaminate air , produce a healthly space 竹炭會釋出與森林浴相同功效的負離子,可以防止氧化及凈化空氣,營造更適合人類活動的生活空間。 |
The researchers also found that microwaes were effectie in decontaminating syringes , but that it generally took far longer , up to 12 minutes for bacillus cereus spores 研究者還發現了微波對于凈化注射器是很有效果的,但是那通常需要較長時間,大概12分鐘來殺死蠟樣芽胞桿菌的孢子。 |
Although it will cost much to decontaminate the soil and clean the body of water that has been heavily polluted , obviously it could be seen as a unique spatial resource for urban redevelopment 這些已經被污染的用地盡管需要花費高昂的代價去整治,但也具有很高的商業開發價值。 |
Clothing , bedding , furniture or floor surfaces contaminated with vomit or excreta can be decontaminated with diluted domestic bleach . domestic bleach can be used for cleaning and disinfection 被嘔吐物或排泄物弄污的衣服、被單、家具或地板表面,可用稀釋家用漂白水消毒 |
Cleaning all kinds of stubborn stains like blood , sweat , oil , milk and urine . has a good decontaminating effect . easily clean the collar and cuffs 清洗各種頑漬如血漬汗漬油漬奶漬尿漬,去污強,效果好,衣領袖口易洗凈。 |
Persons who cannot be completely decontaminated by showering at the mcs will be sent to decontamination centres in designated hospitals 在監測中心淋浴后仍未能完全除污者,會被送往指定醫院的消除輻射中心。 |
Remove personal protective equipment before leaving the work area , and decontaminate reusable items after each use 離開工作地方前須卸下個人保護裝備,可再用物品每次用完后均須消毒。 |
Analysis on reliability of cooling water system in asphalt gas decontaminating for carbon calciner 焙燒爐瀝青煙氣凈化系統中噴淋冷卻水系統可靠性分析 |
Discussion on decontaminating with melting technology to radioactive pollution metals 用零價鐵滲濾墻技術修復我國鈾尾礦地下水的探討 |
Study on the decontaminated mechanism of organophosphorus compound with ds 2對有機膦化合物消毒機理的研究 |
Decontaminate equipment before mechanical and electrical servicing 進行機械及電氣維修前,須把儀器消毒。 |
And it can significantly increase luster , decontaminate and anti - electrostatic 并帶有一定的芬芳氣味。 |
He hasn ' t been decontaminated . jacques 他還沒有經過消毒.蝦蝦 |