
decomposite adj.1.再混合的,與混合物混合的。2.【植物;植物學...


Therrnogravimetric analysis at heating rates 5 , 10 , 15 and 20 c / min was used to study the decomposition kinetics of the pdms / pma ipn in ni and in air by using tg and dtg , and the upper limit of the temperature was 700 c . it was found that ipn began to decomposite at 350 c . the process of the thermal degradation was multiple steps , the curve of the rate of thermal decomposition had two peaks , one of which lied between 400 c ~ 420 c and the other lied between 500 c ~ 540 c , the result corresponded to the components of ipn 在熱分解動力學研究中,通過在兩種氣氛中,分別以5 、 10 、 15和20 min四種升溫速率條件下,采用tg - dtg聯動測試, ipn材料在350開始熱分解。熱分解速率存在兩個峰值,一個分解峰值在400 420之間,另一個在500 540之間,這與ipn結構中包含兩組分相對應,同時發現當緩慢升溫時,特別是在空氣氣氛中,兩個分解峰減弱,熱分解趨向于一個連續過程。

We present existence theorem for pseudo almost periodic solutions with piecewise constant argument by means of unique decomposite character and for pseudo almost periodic sequence solutions of relevent difference equations 摘要利用偽概周期函數唯一分解性質,研究相關差分方程的偽概周期序列解,并以此為工具得出一類帶逐段常變量微分方程偽概周期解的存在唯一性。