
declare vt.1.聲稱 (that);聲稱[宣布]某人是,宣布。...


The people of the united states have declared that this constitution shall be supreme . 美國人民曾宣布憲法是最高的法律。

“i certainly shall not help you to find him,“ winterbourne declared . “我絕對不想幫你找到他,”溫特伯恩一本正經地說。

The little citizen, not to be outdone, declared her to be a celestial witness . 那小公民不甘落后,宣言她是天堂的見證。

He declared publicly that he would leave her to die rather than forgive her . 他公然表明寧愿讓她死去也不愿意饒恕她。

His bitterest enemy would hardly declare that it was he who was in the wrong . 他最不共戴天的敵人也不能說是他錯了。

It declared the absence of any uneasy claim, any restless vanity . 它表明他沒有任何非分的要求,沒有任何不安的虛榮。

It gives me an opportunity to declare my own belief in profitability . 我有機會對于贏利可能性問題談談自己的看法。

She herself declared that she never discussed public affairs with the queen . 她自己聲言她從沒有和女王談過公務。

We left her just now declaring that she would burn her ships behind her . 我們不久前講到凱瑟琳已決心破釜沉舟。

Never did a perverse nature declare itself more prematurely . 從來沒有哪一個人的邪惡的天性這樣早地就表露出來。

When mr. harris arrived, he declared his patient materially better . 哈里斯先生到來后,宣布他的病人大有好轉。

It is only when money wages move that instability declares itself . 只有當貨幣工資移動時,不穩定才會出現。

The admiralty court was declared by statute to be a sovereign court . 法律規定海事法庭是最高管轄法庭。

They declared that it could never sustain the shock of the discharge . 他們說它抵抗不住開炮時的震動。

The states had declared war on germany but not on austria . 美國已經對德國宣戰,只是還沒對奧國宣戰。

His government has tonight declared war on the neighbouring country . 他的政府已在今夜向鄰國宣戰了。

Because of the heavy rain, the public meeting has been declared off . 由于大雨,群眾大會已宣布取消。

The city council has declared for improving the public bus system . 市議會聲明贊成改進公共交通設施。

They declare the nazi regime overthrown and sue for peace . 他們宣布納粹政權已被推翻,并出面求和。