
declaration n.1.宣言,布告;公告,聲明。2.【法律】(原告的)申...


This declaration if embodied in the bill of lading shall be prima facie evidence but shall not be binding or conclusive on the carrier . 該項聲明如被載入提單,即作為初步證據,但它對承運人并不具有約束力或最終效力。

The declaration provides that state involved in armed conflicts shall make all efforts “to spare women and children from the ravages of war. “ 宣言規定卷入武裝沖突的國家應竭盡全力“使婦女和兒童不受戰爭蹂躪。”

The above declaration is without prejudice to the case of the major criminals, whose offenses have no particular geographical localisation . 上述宣言不影響首惡元兇的案件,他們所犯的罪行不限于某一個特定的地方。

Please ask if he hasn't committed those words to memory. they are from the document by which we created our country, the declaration of independence . 請問問他能不能背誦這句出自美國建國文獻《獨立宣言》的名言。

In spite of the plethora of resolutions and declarations of intent the goal of general and complete disarmament remains a mirage . 盡管有不計其數的決議和意向性的聲明,而全面和徹底裁軍這一目標仍然是海市蜃樓。

The universal declaration consists of 30 articles covering both civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights . 世界人權宣言共三十條,涉及公民權利、政治權利以及經濟、社會和文化權利。

The declaration calls for new initiatives to promote peace, security, disarmament and economic and social progress for all mankind . 宣言要求采取新的主動行動來促進和平,安全,裁軍和全人類的經濟社會進步。

Such sentiments did not constitute a declaration of isolation, but rather a practical judgement based upon existing needs . 這種想法算不得是孤立主義宣言,卻是以當時存在的需要為根據所下的實際判斷。

It would be truer to say that emerson's was merely the most eloquent of a long line of similar declarations . 同樣的言語還多得很,愛默生的講演只是其中最有文采的一篇。這樣說更確切不過了。

He also liked to remind people of his own descent from one of the signers of the declaration of independence . 他還喜歡提醒別人,簽署了《獨立宣言》的開國元勛之一是他的嫡系祖先。

Declarations and confirmations of declarations are to be in writing and be formally notified to the depositary . 聲明和聲明的確認,應以書面形式提出,并應正式通知保管人。

His attempt to sweep away all preconceptions and prejudices was a clear declaration of revolt from the past . 他企圖清除一切先入之見和偏見,這明確宣告了他對過去的反叛。

The risk of a french declaration of war and whether it should be courted is reserved for the cabinet . 關于法國宣戰的危險以及是否應對它進行拉攏的問題,留待內閣解決。

For algol, write one subprogram for statements, one for declarations and one for expressions . 對于算法語言來說,我們可以分別把語句、說明和表達式編成子程序。

Isabel gave herself no time, no thought, to appreciate the careful cynicism of this declaration . 伊莎貝爾沒有時間,也沒有心思去欣賞這種若明若暗的諷刺。

George stood out in fair sight, on the top of the rock, as he made this declaration of independence . 喬治發表這篇獨立宣言時,站在巖石之巔,輪廓清晰。

Such declaration accepting compulsory jurisdiction may exclude certain classes of cases . 這種接受強制性管轄權的聲明會將某些類型的案件排除在外。

Whatever may be our fate, be assured, be assured, that this declaration will stand . 無論我們個人的命運是禍是福,請堅信,堅信宣言必將巍然屹立。

This mistress of the milking-pail stared, but, making no answer to this round declaration . 這位擠奶夫人瞪了一眼,可對這直率的宣言不置一詞。