
deciduous adj.1.【動、植】(在某個生長期或季節)脫落的。2....


Temperate zones support both broadleaf deciduous forests ( e . g . , temperate deciduous forest ) and evergreen coniferous forests ( e . g . , temperate coniferous forests and temperate rainforests ) 溫帶地區既適合闊葉落葉林(例如溫帶落葉林)又適合常綠松樹林(例如溫帶松樹林和溫帶雨林) 。

Asiatic deciduous woody vine having large drooping racemes of white or bluish or purple or pinkish flowers and velvety pods ; widely grown as an ornamental 長有大的下垂的總花狀序,帶蘭色或紫色或帶桃紅色的白的花和柔軟的豆莢的每年落葉的亞洲木質藤屬;普遍的作為觀賞植物。

Although “ broad leaf deciduous forests in temperate zone “ has good aggregation ability and comparability , as well as short patch distance , its natural cohesion ability is poor “裸地城鎮”的斑塊間距最大,相似性程度低,聚合性弱,異質性最高。

It is recommended to reserve korean pine and broadleaved tree species for current mixed larch - spruce - fir stands to develop towards deciduous korean pine forest 從枯損和進界看,如果能對紅松和闊葉樹進行保護,這種林分很可能逐漸演化為闊葉紅松林。

Ginkgo biloba , a deciduous tree native to china reaching up to 30 meters in height , it was designated the official metropolitan tree on november 8 , 1996 銀杏樹是原產于中國的一種落葉木,高度能長到30米, 1996年11月8日被指定為東京都都樹。

Family . native to the tropical and subtropical regions , the deciduous tree grows abundantly in india and is known as the pride of india 大葉紫薇又名洋紫薇,千屈菜科,為生長于熱帶和亞熱帶的落葉喬木,盛產于印度,故此亦被稱為印度之光。

Under foot the leaves were dry , and the foliage of some holly bushes which grew among the deciduous trees was dense enough to keep off draughts 腳下的樹葉已經干枯了,在這塊落葉林中間,長著一些冬青灌木,它們稠密的樹葉足可以擋風。

Leaf apex gradually acuminate or abruptly tapered and indistinctly mucronate ; winter bud scales early deciduous or some persistent at base of branch 葉頂端緩尖或急尖并且尖端模糊;冬天芽鱗片提早脫落或有一些仍殘留在枝條的基部。

Regulations governing the use of timber in structure . visual classification for the use of the main coniferous and deciduous wood types in structures 結構用木材使用的控制規則.結構用主要松柏類和落葉類木材使用的目視分類

For all other climates use deciduous vines or trees to the north , and deciduous or evergreen trees to the east and west 在其他的氣候條件下把每年落葉的蔓藤植物或樹木用在房子北面,落葉性的植物或常青樹木用在東面和西面。

The formation process , dynamic variation , deciduous causes of oxide film of work roll are analyzed , and the control methods have been put forward 分析了氧化膜的形成過程、動態變化及脫落原因,并提出了控制方法和措施。

Many tropical species of broadleaved flowering plants are evergreen and their leaves are thicker and more leathery than those of deciduous trees 許多熱帶的闊葉顯花植物是常綠的,它們的葉遠比落葉植物厚而且更為堅韌。

Deciduous tree with a straight trunk which is covered with conical prickly knobs , red bell - shaped flowers , grows to a height of 18 . 5 m 落葉喬木,長直的樹干上長滿圓錐形的節,紅色花朵呈鐘狀,樹高可達18 . 5米。

After the analysis , we got the following results : the zonal vegetation landscape is the warm temperate deciduous broad - leaved forest landscape 結果如下:五臺山地區地帶性植被景觀為暖溫帶落葉闊葉林景觀。

After the analysis , we got the following results : the zonal vegetation landscape is the warm temperate deciduous broad - leaved forest landscape 結果如下:核心區的地帶性植被景觀為暖溫帶落葉闊葉林景觀。

Succession tendency of zhongshan vegetation and discussion of possibility of reconstructing evergreen and deciduous broad - leaved mixed forest 紫金山森林植被性質與常綠落葉闊葉混交林重建可能性的探討

The lebbeck trees are tall deciduous trees , reaching 15 metres in height , widely grown in hong kong for shade and ornament 大葉合歡為高大落葉喬木,可高達15米,在香港可用作遮蔭及觀賞用。

Deciduous cypress trees come from the southern united states , growing to 45 metres in height with a girth to 3 . 5 落羽松是一種由美國南部傳入的落葉喬木,生長高達45米而具有3 . 5米的樹圍。

The vienna woods are large wood lands west of vienna and it is the largest deciduous forest in austria 維也納森林是在維也納西部的一大片林子,而且它是在奧地利最大的按季落葉森林。