
deceitful adj.欺詐的,虛假的,騙人的;不誠實的。adv.-ly...


The wicked worketh a deceitful work : but to him that soweth righteousness shall be a sure reward 18惡人經營,得虛浮的工價。撒義種的,得實在的果效。

For such are false apostles , deceitful workers , transforming themselves into the apostles of christ 這樣的人是假使徒,是詭詐的工人,裝成基督的使徒。

For such are false apostles , deceitful workers , transforming themselves into the apostles of christ 13那等人是假使徒,行事詭詐,裝作基督使徒的模樣。

When i speak , honesty is important . deceitful words and lies must not be tolerated 只要我開口說話,就要講信用。怎麼可以用欺騙的言語或者是打妄語呢?

Shall i count them pure with the wicked balances , and with the bag of deceitful weights 11我若用不公道的天平,和囊中詭詐的法碼,豈可算為清潔呢。

Certain advertised products turn out to be deceitful , or fail to live up to what is advertised 某些廣告產品證明是騙人的,或者說產品與廣告不符。

You destroy those who tell lies ; bloodthirsty and deceitful men the lord abhors 6說謊言的,你必滅絕;好流人血弄詭詐的,都為耶和華所憎惡。

Surely he recognizes deceitful men ; and when he sees evil , does he not take note 11他本知道虛妄的人。人的罪孽,他雖不留意,還是無所不見。

His political opponents tore away the show of sincerity covering his deceitful intention 他的政治上的對手揭去了他那欺騙性目的真誠外表。

The wicked man earns deceitful wages , but he who sows righteousness gets a true reward 18惡人賺得虛謊的工價;播種公義的,得真實的酬報。

O , it is not in me , and i am not that deceitful woman you think me 啊,不是在生我的氣,我并不是像你認為的那樣,是一個騙人的女人哪! ”

The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life , but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit 溫良的舌,是生命樹;乖謬的嘴,使人心碎。

People think you a good woman , but you are bad , hard - hearted . you are deceitful 人們滿以為你是個好女人,其實你很壞,你心腸很狠。

Shall i be pure with wicked balances and with a bag of deceitful weights 11我若用不公道的天平和囊中詭詐的法碼,豈可算為清潔呢?

Faithful are the wounds of a friend ; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful 6朋友加的傷痕,出于忠誠,仇敵連連親嘴,卻是多馀。

“ will you speak what is unjust for god , and speak what is deceitful for him 伯13 : 7你們要為神說不義的話麼、為他說詭詐的言語麼。

Deceitful activities and the decline of modem handicraft industry economy in countryside 欺詐行為與近代鄉村手工業經濟的衰變

The heart is deceitful above all things , and desperately wicked : who can know it 9人心比萬物都詭詐,壞到極處,誰能識透呢。

The thoughts of the righteous are just , but the counsels of the wicked are deceitful 5義人的籌算是公平;惡人的計謀是詭詐。