
decease n.,vi.死,死亡。


The woman who found the boy is the daughter of a deceased couple 發現嬰兒的婦女已經父母雙亡。

To the strongest 31 men , including the deceased 為了鐵骨錚錚的31條好漢包括已故的弟兄,干杯!

The deceased was a well - known chemist 死者生前是著名的化學家。

The main beneficiary of the will is the deceased ' s family 遺囑的主要受益人是死者的家庭成員。

Pearls of wisdom the grave is not the true abode of the deceased 教理選粹y墳墓,不是死者的家

“ invocation of the spirit of a deceased “ spring in mt . jiri “為死者的亡靈祈禱“欲望之門春

Deceased two days , 14 hours , five minutes . . . approximately 死亡時間大約兩天十四小時五分鐘

He performed the last offices for deceased 他為死者執行最后的服務。

That mr . smith was deceased on arrivai , 史密斯先生送到的時候已經去世

They were alive , while i was officially deceased 他們還活著,而我已經被正式宣布為烈士了。

Wherein are we to reposit our recentiy deceased cargo 我們怎么能把那個尸體塞進這車里來?

But my sister is now unfortunately deceased 但如今我妹已不幸離開人間

The estate vested in the wife of the deceased 這財產屬于死者的妻子。

Was there a time when one of the deceased could ' ve been in touch 以前有過死人會說話的么

Deceased two days , 14 hours , five minutes . approximately 死亡時間大約兩天十四小時五分鐘

Wherein are we to reposit our recentiy deceased cargo 我們準備在哪里存放剛剛死去的尸體

A grandparent of your deceased spouse 4 .已故配偶的祖父母或外祖父母。

. . . beloved daughter of james and marita , deceased . . . . .詹姆斯與馬瑞塔的愛女,已故的. .

We find the spermatozoon through the hair of the deceased 我們從死者的毛發中找到了精子