
debunk vt.〔美口〕1.暴露,揭穿真面目。2.說…的壞話。


This “ hands - on ” workshop will debunk the myths surrounding selling in call centers and explore the proven practices of leading centers that are creating major value for their companies 這門強調實踐與參與式培訓課程將揭開圍繞著呼叫中心銷售的神秘面紗,并探索那些被成功的呼叫中心證明了的最佳實踐是如何為企業創造重要價值的。

It was written to debunk the commonly held myth that java applications pass parameters by reference , to avoid common programming mistakes that result from relying on pass - by - reference behavior 寫它是為了揭穿普遍存在的一種神話,即認為java應用程序按引用傳遞參數,以避免因依賴“按引用傳遞”這一行為而導致的常見編程錯誤。

Women are no more likely to get chronic fatigue syndrome than men , nor are neurotic types more prone , according to new myth - debunking australian research 據澳大利亞的新研究稱,女性患上慢性疲勞綜合癥的可能性與男性一樣都很低,焦慮癥患者同樣也不比其它人更易患上這種綜合癥,這項研究揭穿了長久以來的錯誤觀念。

Although thousands of patents are challenged in court for other reasons , no incentive exists for anyone to spend time and money debunking the science of an erroneous patent in court 雖然每年都有數以千計的人為了其他因素打專利無效的官司,卻沒有誘因使人花錢花時間去法院拆穿專利里面錯誤的科學。

Women are no more likely to get chronic fatigue syndrome than men , nor are neurotic types more prone , according to new myth - debunking australian research 據澳大利亞的新研究稱,女性患上慢性疲勞綜合癥的可能性與男性一樣都很低,患各種焦慮癥的情況也是如此,這項研究揭穿了長久以來的錯誤觀念。

A new australian study debunking the myth that cigarettes keep weight down is a further warning about the dangers of smoking , an anti - smoking body says 人們一向以為吸煙有助于減輕體重。一個反煙組織稱,澳大利亞一項最新的研究推翻了這種錯誤的認識,進一步警示吸煙的危害。

In the installment following that , we ll look at the performance impact of garbage collection , including debunking some performance myths related to memory management 在下下篇文章中,我們將分析垃圾收集對性能的影響,包括揭示與內存管理有關的性能神話。

Frank details and clarifies many of the myths surrounding xquery in his article “ debunking xquery myths and misunderstandings “ developerworks , july 2005 ” ( developerworks , 2005年7月)一文中詳細討論和澄清了xquery的一些神秘之處。

New york ( reuters health ) - a new study debunks the widely held belief that diet plus exercise is the most effectie way to lose weight 紐約(路透健康) ?一項新研究揭穿了節食加運動是最有效的減肥途徑這一廣為接受的信念的真面目。

Exhibit a in their debunking tirades is mother teresa , who preached god to others , even though she felt racked by doubt herself 在他們攻擊基督宗教的演說中,首個證據就是德肋撒嬤嬤向他人宣揚上帝,卻由于自我懷疑而深感痛苦。

For example , the former governor of hong kong , chris patten , devoted a chapter in his book , east and west , to debunking asian values 譬如,前香港總督彭定康在其著作東方與西方內,利用了一整章的篇幅來批駁亞洲價值觀。

However , misconceptions about saml still exist , so this article aims to detail and debunk many of the myths and misunderstandings surrounding saml 在本文中, frank cohen詳細說明并澄清了有關saml的很多不實說法和誤解。

The dvd , priced at 12 . 95 , clearly has benefited from the controversy that erupted from press reports about wal - mart ' s attempts to debunk the film 該片記錄了與沃爾瑪這個零售巨頭發生關系的所有人,但除了沃爾瑪自身。

With this wealth of data and experience , it ' s time to debunk myths and demonstrate that a new age of entrepreneurship has begun 有了這些大量的數據和經歷,是拆穿神話的時候了.一個新的企業家時代即將到來

In the largest and longest study of its kind , scientists in spain have debunked any link between coffee and cardiovascular disease 西班牙科學家進行了最廣泛和最長期的研究,排除了咖啡和心血管病的關聯。

A number of studies in the 1960 ' s and 70 ' s set out to debunk the idea that what you eat pops up on your face 20世紀60 、 70年代大量的研究表明,攝入的食物會影響面部皮膚的說法沒有道理。

A number of studies in the 1960 ' s and 70 ' s set out to debunk the idea that what you eat po up on your face 20世紀60 、 70年代大量的研究表明,攝入的食物會影響面部皮膚的說法沒有道理。

Not only can the experiment verify the soundness of the hypothesis , it can also improve or debunk it 實驗的過程不但可以檢驗其正誤,往往還可能提升或推翻這個理論。

A project of this size is bound to have much myth and misunderstanding that needs to be debunked 這樣規模的項目免不了有很多神話和誤解需要揭穿。