
death n.1.死,死亡。2.死狀,死法;慘死;死因。3.褫奪公...

death adder

Just the same, her death preyed on his mind . 不過,她的死叫他感到很痛苦。

Infant and childhood deaths are a commonplace . 嬰兒和兒童的死亡極為平常。

The gangster stabbed an innocent person to death .. 歹徒扎死了一名無辜者。

The immediate cause of death is unknown . 死亡的直接原因不明。

She stuck to her task like grim death . 她百折不撓地執行任務。

Her love was like a death sentence . 她的柔情象是死刑的宣判書。

Death is often shown in pictures as a human skeleton . 死神常被畫成骷髏。

The crane and the mother-of-pearl fight to death ... 鷸蚌相爭。

His face was white and he looked scared to death . 他臉色蒼白,非常驚慌。

That crime carried with it the punishment of death . 犯上這罪要判處死刑。

The little girl lay between life and death . 那小女孩生命垂危。

The alternatives are death and submission . 或死或降,任選其一。

The whole house was in grief at his death . 全家人都為他的去世感到哀傷。

The death throes began in march . 垂死前的痛苦是在三月里開始的。

You scare them to death with your mouth . 你一開口就能把人嚇死。

They say he can't get over his wife's death . 據說他無法排遣他喪妻之痛。

Is not our death struggle typical ? 難道我們這場垂死的斗爭還不夠典型嗎?

Even death couldn't beat him down . 即使死亡也不能輕易地戰勝他。

After his death optics again languished . 他死后,光學又衰落了。