
deaf adj.1.聾。2.不聽的;不理的,裝聾的。短語和例子b...


Percussion grenades . i was partially deaf that night 手榴彈炸的我那晚耳朵有點聾

Discussion on the hearing aid fitting for deaf children 怎樣為聾兒驗配好助聽器

Indeed , they may not even know any deaf people 事實上他們可能不認得任何聾人。

Deaf people communicate with each other in sign language 聾人用手語來彼此交流。

Well , if you ' re deaf , you must own up to it 這個,如果你耳聾的話你必須坦白承認

I am the deaf - mute person , i only understand chinese 我是聾啞人,我只懂中文。

He turned a deaf ear to the criticism from the media 他對媒體的批評充耳不聞。

Weii , if you ' re deaf , you must own up to it 這個,如果你耳聾的話你必須坦白承認

You ' ll be as deaf as a potato one day 有一天你將會聾的像馬鈴薯.那是什麼意思啊

The deaf and the blind deserve sympathy and help 聾子和瞎子應該得到同情和幫助

I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life . 我曾常常想:如果每一個人在他剛成年的某個時候有幾天突然失明,或變聾,那才是天賜之福。

A red-cheeked young sentry put a bayonetted rifle athwart his chest, and was deaf to his protests in sputtering russian . 一個雙頰紅潤的年輕哨兵一言不發地把上了刺刀的步槍,橫在他胸前,充耳不聞他氣急敗壞地用俄語提出的抗議。

Turn a deaf ear to that cry of “let my people go“ too long and another cry will be raised that you cannot choose but hear . 一直不肯聽這“容我百姓去”的呼聲,有一天就會有另一個呼聲,那個呼聲不由得你們不聽。

He was a model of a gaoler: surly, and dumb, and deaf to every attempt at moving his sense of justice or compassion . 他是一個獄卒的典型:乖戾,不吭一聲,對于打動他的正義感或同情的各種企圖完全裝聾。

Do you know how man can be so obsessed by love that they are deaf and blind to everything else in the world ? 你知道不知道,一個人要是墜入情網,就可能對世界上一切事情都聽而不聞,視而不見了?

All rudolph's tactful intimations about keeping a single modest style for the center had fallen on deaf ears . 魯道夫用了種種轉彎抹角的暗示要求在“中心”保持一種謙虛的風格,都成為耳旁風。

What a martyr she was! dirty and deaf and bent and coughing all the time, nothing but a burden to herself . 她受了多少活罪!又臟,又聾,又駝背,又是不停地咳嗽,她只是自己的一個累贅。

Men are awake enough to their own interests, who turned a deaf ear to their friend's distress . 對朋友的痛苦置若罔聞的人,對個人的利益往往非常注意。

Men are awake enough to their own interests , who turn a deaf ear to their friends' distress . 對朋友的痛苦置若罔聞的人,對個人的利益非常注意。