
deadly adj.1.要命的,致命的,(傷等)致死的。2.(臉色等...

deadly nightshade

It is probable that the most deadly and the most demoralizing single instrumentality of present-day civilization is the automobile . 對現代文明的最致命的和最富有敗壞性的獨一無二的工具很可能要數汽車了。

When the discussion flagged and all seemed baffled, it was on these occasions he would rap out the deadly question . 當討論茫無頭緒,在座的人都一籌莫展的時候,這時他便一針見血地指出關鍵性的問題。

If, this, indeed, is the pattern of history, we are tempted to paraphrase shaw's deadly serious quip and say . 如果這確實是歷史發展的一種模式,那么我們禁不住要對肖伯納的警言妙語進行詮釋。

It is a poisonous deadly contagion mingling with the blood, whose center or fountain is in the liver . 這是一種致命的毒液和身里的血混在一起的疾病,這種毒液集中的地方,或者總源就是肝。

What if, by some fate or deadlier chance, eyes other than his spied behind and saw the horrible change ? 如果由于機緣或是更可怕的意外,讓別人的眼睛察覺了這個嚇人的變化,又怎么辦呢?

Ugliness is one of the seven deadly virtues, gladys. you, as a good tory, must not underrate them . 丑惡是七大德行之一,格拉迪斯。你是個死心塌地的保皇黨,別把這些德行低估了。

I know you only mean me a kindness, dear1365, but it is a most deadly mistake . 親愛的第一千三百六十五號,我知道你對我完全是一番美意,但這件事是一個非常嚴重的錯誤。

At this crucial moment canada was ready to play a conspicuous part in the deadly struggle . 在這危急萬分的時刻,加拿大準備在這場生死攸關的斗爭中擔任重要角色。

She was a little beside herself, for the first time in her life shocked out of a deadly calm . 她好象有些瘋了,這是她有生以來第一次從死一般的寧靜中驚覺過來。

The two events combined enabled hitler to advance along his predetermined deadly course . 這兩件事合在一起,便使希特勒可以沿著他早已決定的狠毒的路線前進了。

The venomous clamour of a jealous woman is a more deadly poison than a mad dog's tooth . 一個好吃醋的女人惡毒地漫罵起來,比一只瘋狗咬人還要兇狠致命。

Here, then, was the deadly secret which the generals had talked over with their secretary of state for war . 這就是那些將軍和陸軍大臣商談的絕對機密。

It was hard to believe that this little animal could kill one of the deadliest creatures on earth . 實在難相信這個小動物能殺死世界上一種最兇的動物。

The inferno spewed a deadly plume of radioactive isotopes into the atmosphere . 這個象煉獄般的地方將一縷致死的放射性同位素噴入大氣層。

I am, god help me, all unworthy, but your mirth is a deadly sin . 我個人嘛,上帝保佑,是微不足道的,然而你們這樣起哄卻是一樁大罪。

He turned of a deadly hue, and a sudden horror seemed to fall upon him . 他的臉色變得死一般地慘白,仿佛陡然為一種恐怖所籠罩著。

They combine in the most deadly manner the qualities of the warrior and the slave . 他們極其惡毒地把軍人和奴隸的特質結合起來。

His presence was an irritation to him, for some reason-a deadly provocation . 由于某種原因,他看見他就要發怒--一種致命的激動。

However, my daughter would say to me with deadly accuracy of instinct . 然而我的小女兒生性卻是認真而執著。她總是這樣問我。