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dead surface 無光澤的表面。

dead time

It contains fresh licorice fragrance . it is able to remove dead surface cells gently and efficiently . cleans deeply so that the skin is relaxed and hydrated and maintains optimal form 蘊含清新甘草芳香,能溫和有效去除角質層、深度潔凈肌膚,令皮膚得到舒緩和滋潤,保持最佳狀態。

Application : apply an appropriate amount on to the hand . massage for 5 to 10 minutes to gently rub away the dead surface skin cells . rinse with water 用法:將本品適量涂于手部,輕揉5 ~ 10分鐘,直到死皮出現用清水沖洗即可