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dead horse 1.預付的工資。2.舊債。3.無益的話題,徒勞的事物。

dead hours

We kept our arms ready , and our eyes about us , but we saw no more wolves , till we came thro that wood , which was near half a league , and entred the plain ; as soon as we came into the plain , we had occasion enough to look about us : the first object we met with , was a dead horse ; that is to say , a poor horse which the wolves had kill d , and at least a dozen of them at work ; we could not say eating of him , but picking of his bones rather ; for they had eaten up all the flesh before 可是在我們穿過那座一英里多長的樹林,進入平川地以前,再也沒有看見過別的狼。等我們一進入平川,向四下一望,頭一眼就見到一匹死馬。這是一匹被狼群咬死的馬,同時見到至少有十二條狼在那里大吃特吃其實,馬肉早就給它們吃光了,現在正在啃馬骨頭呢!

Like horses crowding , snorting , and starting round a dead horse , numbers of familiar and unfamiliar figures crowded round the coffinthe marshal , and the village elder , and peasant women , and all with scared and fascinated eyes , crossed themselves , and bowed down and kissed the cold , stiff hand of the old prince 正如一些馬向一匹死馬飛快撲過去,擁擠在一起,打著響鼻一樣,家里的人和外來的人都擠在客廳里,擠在棺材周圍縣首長村長婦女們都瞪著驚惶的眼睛,劃著十字,鞠躬吻老公爵冰涼而僵硬的手。

“ cure a dead horse as if it were alive “ is the motto of first - aid workers , who do not easily give up due to their respect for life and sincerity in helping people . instructor zheng cited one example about a little girl who saved her grandfather s life by doing cpr cardiopulmonary resuscitation continually for four hours 死馬當活馬醫是急救員對生命的尊重與熱誠助人的不輕易妥協精神,他舉例:曾有一位小女孩以cpr心肺復蘇術持續四小時救回爺爺的生命。

The road along which they marched was strewn on both sides with the carcases of dead horses . the tattered soldiers , stragglers from different regiments , were continually changing , joining the column as it marched , and dropping behind it again 沿途兩旁,到處是死馬各個部隊掉了隊的士兵,衣衫襤褸,他們時而走進行進中的縱隊,時而又掉隊,不斷變換著。

You ' re flogging a dead horse by asking jim to lend you money - he hasn ' t even enough money for himself 你要吉姆借錢給你,這簡直是癡心妄想,他的錢甚到不夠他自己花呢。

Stop asking me . you ' re flogging a dead horse . i don ' t want to go and i ' ve told you that a hundred times 別問我了。你這樣做是徒勞的。我不想去,已經告訴你一百遍了。

We discussed some incidents that had happened long ago . it was really flogging a dead horse 我們討論了一些很早以前發生的事,實在是“炒冷飯” ,毫無意思。

“ it is not my predilection to go beating a dead horse . . . but i have little pity for a cannibal . 我沒興趣對死人出手. . .但是我也不會同情吃人的家伙。

He ' s flogging a dead horse in trying to persuade people to use canals instead of roads 他拼命地勸人不要使用公路而去使用運河,真是枉費口舌。

You are beating a dead horse if you are trying to make him change his political views 你要想改變他的政治觀點,那是徒勞無益的。

See them there stark ballocknaked eating a dead horse s liver raw 俺瞧見過這幫人一絲不掛地正生吃一條死馬的肝臟哪。 ”

- that guy smells like a dead horse ! - i ' m not proud of it -這家伙聞起來像匹死馬! -我覺得沒什么可自豪的

That guy smells like a dead horse ! - i ' m not proud of it 這家伙聞起來像匹死馬! -我覺得沒什么可自豪的

I ' ve already made up my mind . there ' s no sense beating a dead horse 我已經下了決心,不要再白費口舌了。

I ' ve already made up my mind . there ' s no sense flogging a dead horse 我已經下了決心,不必再白費口舌了。

It is useless to flog a dead horse 鞭打死馬,徒勞無益。

Quit asking him to do you a favor . you ’ re beating a dead horse 別再求他幫你忙了,你這是白費勁。

Alimony is like buying oats for a dead horse 給離婚妻子的贍養費,等于給死馬買燕麥。