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dead freight (包船位裝貨不滿時應付的)空艙運費。

dead ground

Seller shall be liable for any dead freight or demurrage , should they fail to have the quantity of the goods ready for loading in time as stipulated , if the carrying vessel has arrived at the port of shipment as advised 如果運輸船只按賣方通知到達裝運港而賣方未能按規定及時將貨物備妥待運,那么賣方應承擔由此產生的空艙費及滯期費。

Within the time as notified by the buyer , after its arrival at the port of shipment the seller shall be fully liable to the buyer and responsible for all losses and expenses such as dead freight , demurrage 在買方通知的時限內,抵達裝運港后,賣方應對買方承擔全部責任并對諸如空倉費、延滯費等所有損失和費用負責。