
deactivate vt.1.解散(軍隊),使復員;使(軍隊)處于非戰斗狀態...


Deactivate all maps 休眠所有貼圖

If there are no tape devices attached to the server , this option is deactivated 如果服務器沒有相連的磁帶設備,此選項將停用。

A strike team will land on the moon and deactivate the shield generator 我們可以把一隊攻擊部隊運到衛星上去解除護盾的發生器

L must deactivate you 我必須關掉你

Secondary logs will only be removed when the database is deactivated 只有在數據庫處于非激活狀態時,才能刪除二級日志。

Specifies whether the editor should apply its changes before it is deactivated 指定編輯器是否應在停用之前應用其更改。

It ' s actually a very simple procedure to deactivate the gene concerned 實際使那些相關基因失去活性是一個很簡單的過程

Deactivate ! - let him go 停機! -讓它來吧

[ computer ] i ' d love to , but my guidance system has been deactivated 我也想那樣,但是你們知道嗎?我的導航系統失靈了

Activates an object on a method call and deactivates when the call returns 在方法調用時激活對象,在調用返回時停用。

If you call it with an interval value of zero , the timer will deactivate 如果你設置它的值為零,則定時器將不起作用。

- deactivate ! - let him go -停機! -讓它來吧

Obey the command ! deactivate 服從命令,解除

Computer i ' d love to , but my guidance system has been deactivated 我也想那樣,但是你們知道嗎?我的導航系統失靈了

Activate and deactivate events 激活和停用事件

They are merely deactivated 它們僅僅是被停用。

Activate deactivate a partition 激活/反激活分區

Database but may be deactivated if you attached an 數據庫中啟用sql server service broker ,但是如果您附加了一個

Deactivates and hides the page 取消激活并隱藏頁。