
dcc DCC = digital compact casset...


Apf control realization can be either digital or analogical . the advantage of digital compensating control ( dcc ) is that it can compensate harmonics to a precision level and is independent of the surrounding environment . but dcc needs high - speed real - time chips to deal with digital signal processing , so has high price ; analog compensating control ( acc ) demands hardware very rigidly 數字補償控制的優點是可以對電網諧波的補償達到很精確的程度,不容易受運行環境改變的影響,但是要求運算速度很高的實時數字信號處理芯片,因此造價較高;模擬補償控制對硬件的要求比較嚴格。

In order to find replacer for metronidazole and drug selection . some diesters or esters of acids containing nitrogen with metronidazole were designed and synthesized , which have difference in water - solubility . metronidazole was reacted with the corresponding amino or imino multi - carboxylic acid compounds in the presence of acetic anhydride or thionyl chloride or dcc . the intermediate of nitrilotriacetic acid with ac 為尋找羥乙基甲硝唑的替代物,分別采用酸酐法酰氯法或dcc法,將氨基羧酸與羥乙基甲硝唑反應,得到5個親水性不同的單酯或二酯,用ms譜確證了次氨基三乙酸與乙酸酐反應的中間物,并對得到的酯的

Equipment of power quality dynamic compensation control realization can be either digital or analogical . the advantage of digital compensation control ( dcc ) is that it can compensate harmonics to a precision level and is independent of the surrounding environment . but dcc need high - speed real - time chips to deal with digital signal processing , so it has high price 電能質量動態補償裝置的控制是影響電能質量動態補償裝置的性能的重要因數,電能質量動態補償裝置的諧波補償主要有數字補償控制和模擬補償控制兩種,數字補償的優點是可以對電網諧波的補償達到很精確的程度,不容易受到外界運行環境的影響,但是要求運行速度很高的實時數字信號處理器,因此造價較高,模擬補償控制對硬件要求比較嚴格。

Located on the central ax of datong economic and technology development zone in north of shanxi province , dcc has its major activity focused on the production of high quality active carbon by using the adequate agglomeration technology with the so called press - room installation imported form the united states 大同卡爾本炭素有限公司地處山西省北部,在大同經濟技術開發區的中軸線上,得益于其從美國直接進口的模壓設施,公司依靠配套的造粒技術,主要從事優質活性炭的生產。

Dcc in western culture may be divided into two phases , the ancient phase went through the curriculum of rationalistic culture in greek and roma to the curriculum of christian culture in middle ages , and the modern times experienced the renaissance , the enlightenment , the industry revolutionary , and message revolutionary , the technology gradually occupy the main states 西方文化的課程進步可以分為古代和近現代兩個階段,古代階段經歷了由古希臘羅馬的理性主義文化課程到中世紀的基督教宗教文化課程,近現代經歷了文藝復興、啟蒙運動、工業革命、信息革命等,科技文化課程逐步占據主導地位。

Within the score - based framework , spamassassin employs a number of heuristics to identify mail as probable spam - header analysis , body analysis , public - domain and commercial dns blacklists , the razor and dcc spam checksum databases , and the presence of structural tricks employed by spammers to obfuscate the content of the message such as encoding the message text in base - 64 or javascript , for example Spamassassin將處理規則劃分成幾個主要類別頭規則;主體規則(在規范化編碼后,它與一個特定短語相匹配) ,原始主體規則(與諸如編碼或mime結構之類的原始消息特征相匹配) ,以及幾個其它規則(包括對照外部數據庫,匹配消息簽名) 。

In addition to the distribution of relevant papers to the dcc members and the subsequent collection of their opinions on specific concerns , the committee held two regular meetings and a briefing session in 2002 - 03 where staff and the management exchanged their views on a wide range of topics of mutual concern , including recruitment , promotion , career posting , training , working environment , staff welfare and service - wide matters 委員會負責分發有關文件給各委員,并收集他們對所關心事務的意見。 2002至03年度,委員會召開了兩次會議和一次簡報會,供管方與員工就共同關心的各類事務交換意見,主要涉及的事務包括招聘、晉升、為職業前途的調職、培訓、工作環境、員工福利,以及公務員事務事宜。

The research includes seven parts which have inner connections , such as raising the core problem of dcc ; researching on the environment of dcc ; analyzing on system construction of curriculum culture ; exploring the developments of all types of curriculum cultures ; developing the diffusion of the tract of curriculum culture ; probing into the transition of the tract of curriculum culture ; discussing the objective value and criterion on dcc 它包括課程文化進步這一課程文化發展核心問題的提出、課程文化發展環境的研究、課程文化發展的系統結構分析、各種文化類型的課程文化發展、課程文化特質的傳播、課程文化特質的變遷、課程文化發展的客觀價值與進步標準等幾個有內在聯系的部分。

Oxygen - evolving psil core complexes treated with hydrophilic crosslinker edc showed a little change in the microenvironments of tyr and trp residues . however , oxygen - evolving psil core complexes treated with hydrophobic crosslinkers such as dcc , hmdi , egs , and dtsp showed a distinctly change in both the microenv Egs 、 dtsp對psll放氧核心復合物蛋白質中tyr 、 trp微環境和682urn處葉綠素熒光影響大,可能它們參與了psll放氧核心復合物內部的蛋白疏水區域交聯。

An efficient esterification of ferrocenecarboxylic acid and substituted phenols has been achieved using dcc / dmap protocol in ionic liquids . the corresponding esters were produced in high yields 摘要在“綠色溶劑”室溫離子液體中,采用二環己基碳二亞胺4 -二甲氨基吡啶( dcc / dmap )進行二茂鐵甲酸芳香酯的合成研究,反應條件溫和,簡單方便,產率高,該反應具有環境友好的特點。

An important channel of communication is the departmental consultative committee , which is chaired by the deputy commissioner operations . the dcc enables management and staff representatives to exchange views on a wide range of issues of mutual concern 委員會由副局長執行事務擔任主席,負責協助管方與員工就共同關心的事務交換意見,并促進雙方互諒互助的關系。

Part essences of curriculum culture can induct dcc , but the curriculum culture wants to turn completely , and to be put into a new stage , it have to develop coordinately all essences as a whole 課程文化發展可以從課程文化的部分要素開始,以點帶面,但要實現課程文化的徹底轉向,或要把課程文化水平推上一個新的階段,就離不開各要素的整體協調發展。

Human plays a dynamic role in dcc , affecting the environment of social culture , making curriculum reform in demands , improving the changes of curriculum culture , and influencing the progress of social culture 人在課程文化發展中具有能動作用,會作用于他所在的社會文化環境,根據需要進行課程改革,推動著課程文化發生變革,影響著社會文化進步。

These include recruitment , promotions , career postings , training , working environment , office security and safety , and staff welfare . the dcc helps to promote better understanding and co - operation between both parties 涉及的事務包括招聘、晉升、為職業前途的調職、培訓、工作環境、辦公室保安與安全,以至員工福利等。

Representatives of the committee are invited to participate in the dcc for the sharing of their views with other departmental grades staff representatives on issues of general concerns within the department 委員會派代表參加稅務局協商委員會,與部門職系的其他員方代表,就局內員工普遍關心的事務交換意見。

In addition to the built - in rules , spamassassin can access external databases , such as commercial blacklist services and the razor and dcc spam checksum databases 除了了解諸如自動篩選之類的技術外, spamassassin還可以訪問諸如商業黑名單服務和razor及dcc垃圾郵件校驗和數據庫之類的外部數據庫。

The main aim of the research on dcc is to discover the standards of curriculum culture and to grasp the objective law of it by exploring the evolution process of curriculum culture 研究課程文化發展旨在通過探究課程文化演化的過程,揭示課程文化進步的標準,把握課程文化發展的客觀規律。

Representatives of staff groups and associations continue to make good use of dcc meetings as a means of exchanging views with management on a wide range of issues of mutual concern 員工組織和員工協會的代表繼續透過協商委員會會議與管方就彼此都關注的各種事項交換意見。

Procedures for the operation of the uk scheme for the allocation of iso dcc format osi network layer addresses including the operation of the associated uk registration authority Iso - dcc格式開放式系統互連網絡層地址分配用英國模式操作程序