
day-to-day adj.日常的。


He clearly could not function without a strong chief of staff to shield him from the day-to-day management of the bureaucracy and to implement his decision . 要是沒有一位強有力的辦公廳主任為他分擔管理官僚機構的日常工作,把他的決定付諸實施,他顯然無法辦公。

Culture asserts its invisible presence on patterns of day-to-day communications in japanese as in american organizations . 在日本和美國的組織中,文化以日常思想交流的方式表明它的無形存在。

In the transition period a new administration must be careful not to intervene in the day-to-day operations of foreign policy . 在過渡時期,新政府必須注意,不要去干預外交政策的日常運轉。

Like the sun, the planets shift their positions so slowly that their day-to-day motion is hard to detect . 象太陽一樣,行星的飄移非常緩慢,以致它們每天的運動很難被察覺。

They were dealing with the day-to-day crisis, always focusing on next month instead of next year . 他們只忙于應付日常發生的危機,盤算的是下個月的事,而不是第二年的事。

Divisions are not allowed to hold their own bank accounts, except to handle day-to-day business transactions . 除了處理日常經濟業務外,不允許分部持有自己的銀行帳戶。

The total weekly allowance of nutrients is more important than day-to-day exactitudes . 每周營養物質供應的總量要比日與日之間的精確性,更重要得多

During periods when he withdrew he counted on his assistants to carry on the day-to-day decisions . 他在歇息期間,就依靠他的助理作出日常的決定。

They were a series of tactical day-to-day deviations from white house policy . 它們是一系列策略上一天天擺脫白宮政策的偏向。