
day n.戴〔姓氏〕。

day bed

He has n't missed a day 's work in years . 他多年來一天也未曠工。

We look forward to your reture on an early day .. 我們盼望你早日歸隊。

Well, i don't bump into you much these days . 噢,我最近老是沒碰見你。

He will come to a bad end one of these days . 他總有一天會遭到惡報的。

There are only two days left before the election . 離選舉只有兩天了。

A cashier ran away with the day 's takings . 出納員偷走了當天的進款。

It will take ten days to get the work done . 這項任務要十天才能完成。

It was a day for impulse and truancy . 這是個適于沖動或偷懶的日子。

But that only delayed the day of reckoning . 但這只能推遲攤牌的時間。

I am going to visit my aunt for a few days . 我打算去姑媽家住幾天。

It could be counted an average day . 這一天可以算是平平常常的一天。

The beach was packed with day trippers . 海灘上到處都是當日遠足的人。

Day by day she learnt more about her job . 她日益了解自己的工作了。

Thus the early days of may passed by . 就這樣;五月的最初幾天過去了。

I should try to run away one of these days . 總有一天我會設法逃跑的。

It 's clear that he is getting thinner every day . 他眼見得日益消瘦。

Give a portion of each day to recreation . 每天抽一部分時間用于娛樂。

Who may abide the day of his appearing ? 誰能等得到他降臨的那天呢?

The ship had left lisbon four days earlier . 輪船四日前已駛離里斯本。