
dart n.1.標槍,短矛;鑣。2.〔pl.〕 擲標槍。3.突進...


The baronet thrust the frame back at the sergeant and darted into the closet and began rummaging on the floor . 準男爵把這個畫框塞還給警官,飛快跑進壁櫥,開始在地板上亂翻亂扒。

Mrs. durkin was a bony-faced woman with black, darting eyes and a tongue that was never still . 德爾金夫人生就一張瘦骨嶙峋的臉,一雙滴溜溜亂轉的黑眼睛和一條永無休止的舌頭。

The priest, his small darting at slote, paused in his vigorous attack on half a duck . 神父本來在窮兇極惡地對付半只鴨子,忽然住了手,一對小眼睛朝斯魯特瞟了一眼。

But thoughts eluded her, darting in and out of her mind like frightened hummingbirds . 但思想老是避開她,象只受驚的蜂雀似的在她心上穿進穿出,始終不肯停住一刻兒。

Carl thrust his hand into his pockets, lowered his head, and darted up the street against the north wind . 卡爾把手往衣袋里一插,低著頭,迎著北風向街那頭跑去。

A bat can dart about in a room filled with crisscrossing wires without ever hitting one . 蝙蝠在一間布滿交叉電線的房子里四處疾飛,竟然能夠一下也不碰到電線。

He emitted a startled gasp, his hand darting down to find another hand moving up his thigh . 他大吃一驚,霍地往下一摸,發現有一只手順著他的大腿摸了上來。

Whenever a meal was placed before him, the harpies darted down from the air and carried it off . 只要膳食出現,哈耳庇埃們就俯沖下去把食物取走。

“ shoot “ and “ dart “ indicate the sudden rapid movement of a person , an animal or a thing . “sht”和“dart”指人、動物或東西突然快速移動。

Dart christened the fossil australopithecus africanus, meaning the “southern african ape“ . 達特給化石命名為非洲南猿,意即“南非類人猿”。

They go like an ox to the slaughter, till a dart strikes through their liver . 他們象牛一樣往屠宰場走去,等到標槍刺穿他們的肝臟時才曉得。

The lad flushed crimson with anger, and darted a look of hate out of his dark eyes . 孩子的臉頓時氣得通紅,黑眼睛里射出仇恨的目光。

His eyes followed restlessly one of the golden carp that darted from lily to lily . 他目不轉睛地盯著在荷花間嬉戲的一尾金色鯉魚。

Lydia, sobbing with fright, saw thomson dart forward and pick up the shotgun . 利季婭害怕地啜泣著,她看到湯姆森搶步上前撿起槍。

He looked up, and his spectacles darted a hostile flash in winston's direction . 他抬起頭來,眼鏡朝溫斯頓方向閃了一下敵意的光。

At last, he whispered a hurried good-bye to his host and darted toward the door . 最后,他匆匆地向主人輕聲道別,急步走向門口。

Darts of bright light shot asunder, darkness swept over the center of the lake . 明亮的光標飛向四方,黑暗趁虛而入席卷了湖心。

Either the jack escaped, or confused by the noise, darted back again . 那只長耳兔不是逃走就是給這陣聲響弄得著了慌,又竄回去。

Emaciated, wild eyed rats darted about fitfully in a small cage . 一些瘦瘠、狂暴的老鼠在一個小籠子里一陣陣地躥跳碰撞不止。