
darkness n.1.黑暗,陰暗。2.秘密。3.盲目。4.蒙昧,無知。...


Terrified as he was, it seemed almost a double darkness . 由于內心害怕,他眼前的黑暗似乎更加深了一層。

It was more difficult to make our way up the mountain in pitch darkness . 昏天黑地的,山路更不好走。

No doubt the people were gathered in the darkness before the dawn . 民眾無疑在黎明之前就摸黑聚集了。

In the darkness the timorous wolves crept into the living-room . 那些膽怯的狼在黑暗中爬進了客廳。

Jude said good-bye, and went away into the darkness . 裘德說了一聲再見,就投到昏暗的夜色里去了。

She was alone in a place of darkness and pollution . 現在她孤獨一人置身于一個黑暗,污穢的地方。

The arctic circle is the boundary of this region of darkness . 北極圈就是這一黑暗地帶的邊界。

Darkness closed about us . 暮色籠罩著我們。

She has a terror of darkness . 她害怕黑暗。

In the darkness all the things seemed to be moving about him . 黑暗里似乎一切都在他身邊打轉。

They were men enough to face the darkness . 他們都是堂堂的男子漢,都是些敢于面對現實的人。

Darkness permeated the play . 黑暗彌漫了全劇。

There will be barbaric darkness for a thousand years . 接著就會是一千年的野蠻黑暗時期。

Darkness was gradually closing in . 暮色漸漸降臨。

The animals'concert began with the darkness . 隨著黑夜的降臨,動物界的音樂晚會開始了。

The room was in complete darkness . 房間一片漆黑。

The car 's headlights pierced the gloom of darkness . 汽車的前燈刺破了陰森森的黑夜。

The earth is shrouded in darkness . 黑暗籠罩著大地。

The darkness closed upon the hill . 暮色籠罩著小山。