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dark ages (中世紀的)黑暗時代。

dark blue

In the history of great literature , go back to aristotle , plato , socrates , then on through the dark ages to shakespeare , now to the contemporary age and check the hearts of the most reputable universities in the world today , and you cannot find a more significant teaching of the emotionally strengthening principles than that of the christian faith 可知道,文學歷史上,回到阿里士多德柏拉圖蘇格拉底,經過黑暗時代,再看莎士比亞不管你是誰,來到當代,看看全球首屈一指的最高學府,你找不到有教導強化情緒的原則,但那確會使人生更美好。

World peace can be complete at one time or another , but because of the evolution of humankind , well always have some friction between one group or another . and well sometimes experience the peak of the golden age , and sometimes plunge down into a dark age again . this is the process of evolution 世界和平不一定一直都很圓滿,也許在某個時期可以達到,但隨著人類的進化,各族群團體之間總是會有摩擦,所以有時候我們會體驗到黃金時代的頂峰,有時候則再度陷入黑暗時代,這就是進化的過程。

Our research group is involved in several areas of theoretical and phenomenological cosmology : the earliest instants of time , when the universe formed , the cosmic microwave background , the cosmic dark ages , structure formation , dark matter and dark energy as well as the development and adaptation of mathematics , statistics and computation to advance the state of cosmology 我們的研究團隊的研究范圍包括了理論宇宙學和唯象宇宙學的好幾個領域:原初宇宙狀態、宇宙微波輻射背景、黑暗時期、物質結構的形成、暗物質和暗能量和對數學、統計和計算在宇宙學中的發展和應用。

Theory therefore indicates that the dark ages were defined by three distinct temperatures : the spin temperature ( a measure of the relative abundance of atoms with different spin states ) ; the ordinary , kinetic temperature ( a measure of the motions of the atoms ) ; and the radiation temperature ( a measure of the energy of the background photons ) 因此理論上,黑暗年代是由三種截然不同的溫度來定義:自旋溫度(不同自旋狀態原子相對數目的度量) 、一般的動力溫度(原子運動的度量)與輻射溫度(背景光子能量的度量) 。

The effect is literally unbelievable and the clarity , realness , and definition of the pictures easily make the once surprising effects of virtual reality seem like the dark ages . a dinosaur egg is stolen from its nest and passed along by various birds , animals and other predators each hoping to eat it 一只由狐猴養大的小恐阿拉達,在成長過程中經歷很多新奇有趣的事物,也認識了不同的朋友,其后即要面對一場世界最浩劫,一場足以毀滅地球的隕石雨

Technology has a better side also ; but if you drop all modern technology , you will be falling into the dark ages , and it will be the greatest violence on the earth , preached by the man who thought that his philosophy was nonviolent 科技也有更好的一面;但是如果你拋棄所有現代科技,你將會陷入黑暗時代,那將會導致地球上最大的暴力,而鼓吹者居然認為他的人生觀是非暴力的。

While europe still slumbered in the midst of the dark ages , these innovative people had charted the heavens , evolved the only true writing system native to the americas and had made tremendous strides in the areas of mathematics and calendars 本片在中南美各地實地拍攝,包括帕連奎,提卡爾,土倫,奇城,科潘及烏司馬爾等地的遺址,帶您探索馬雅人的文化,科學成就與歷史。

Rich and beautiful europe experienced a period known as the “ dark ages “ when barbaric methods of torture were used and the inhuman rule that sea - owners had the right to sleep with a female serf before she married her husband was enforced 最后一個“黑暗的中世紀”在美麗、富庶的歐洲,曾經有過一個“黑暗的中世紀” ,其野蠻的酷刑和毫無人性的“初夜權”駭人聽聞。

Since the dark ages their order has been prepared for this apocalypse , training in the ways of holy magic and organizing their followers for the eventual war against the forces of hell 自黑暗時代( (歐洲史上約為公元476 - 1000年,即中世紀)以來,他們的使命就是準備迎接這個天啟,以各種方式訓練神圣魔法并且組織追隨者參加反抗地獄力量的戰爭。

“ we are at the close of the cycle of 5 , 000 years of the present aryan kali yuga , or dark age . this will be succeeded by an age of light . . . a new messenger of the spirit will be sent to the western nations 我們處于這個亞利安迦梨尤迦黑暗時代的五千年周期的末端,接下來的是光的時代,一位新的靈性使者將于1975年被送到西方來。

Back in the dark ages of my career , for example , when i used to write about beauty products for glossy magazines , i often carted my husband - to - be with me to spas in exotic caribbean locales 例如,回想起我職業生涯的黑暗時代,我曾為奢華雜志撰寫過關于美容產品的文章,那時我常拽著未婚夫和我一起到異國的加勒比海泡溫泉。

After 18 days of fierce fighting the governor of hong kong , sir mark young , surrendered to japan on 25 december 1941 , and hong kong entered a dark age which was to last for three years and eight months 1941年12月25日,經過18天的艱苦抵抗,香港總督楊慕琦向日本人投降,香港陷入了三年零八個月的黑暗歲月。

Assyrians continued living in their homeland throughout this dark age , until that momentous moment in human history , when the lord son of god gave himself for the salvation of mankind 在這樣的一個黑暗時期,亞述人仍繼續生存在他們的家園,直到人類歷史的巨大轉折點,上帝之子給拯救人類而犧牲的時候。

Therefore , the colonial period is not “ the dark age “ of american law , but its legal development is not identical with that of the nineteenth century , neither 因此,英屬北美殖民地法律在美國法律史上占有重要地位,殖民地時期絕不是美國法律的“黑暗時代” ,當然也不可和19世紀混為一談。

Through such endeavours , together with the copious dynastic histories and district records , china has had no “ dark ages “ in the evolution of its 5000 - year old civilisation 因為有這一方面的努力,加上豐富的歷代斷代史和方志,中國在5000年文化的演變過程中,未曾有過一個“黑暗時代” 。

Through such endeavours , together with the copious dynastic histories and district records , china has had no dark ages in the evolution of its 5000 - year old civilisation 因為有這一方面的努力,加上豐富的歷代斷代史和方志,中國在5000年文化的演變過程中,未曾有過一個“黑暗時代” 。

Miles of hidden tunnels behind the cliffs were built during the dark ages , and played a role in the defense of britain during the napoleonic wars 懸崖背后是建于黑暗時代(約公元376年- 1000年:翰唐注)連綿縱橫的地下隧道,這些隧道曾在拿破侖戰爭時期為保衛英國發揮了一定的作用。

The voice of dark age , of unlove , earth s fatigue made grave approach , and painful , come from afar , from hoary mountains , called on good men and true 黑暗時代的聲音,無情的聲音,大地的疲憊,使得墳墓接近,帶來痛苦。那聲音來自遠方,來自蒼白的群山,呼喚善良地道的人們。

But recent studies show that there were some links between the dark age and the mycenaean age and many important changes occurred in greece society in the dark age 但是,新近的研究表明: “黑暗時代”不僅存在著與邁錫尼文明的聯系,而且是古希臘歷史上發生重大變革的時期。