
danger n.1.危險。2.危險物,威脅。3.〔廢語〕權力,勢力范...

danger money

Perhaps inflexibility is the greatest danger in budget . 也許預算的最大問題是缺乏彈性。

Nothing but fra luca's death could remove all danger . 只有盧卡修士死了才免除一切危險。

Nisus had eluded pursuit and was out of danger . 尼索斯巧妙地躲開了他們的追蹤,脫了險。

They are cowardly, and are always anticipating danger . 他們膽小怯懦,總是提防著危險。

The main danger is associated with the joinery . 主要危險是發生在房屋內的細木工制品。

It's these people with fixed ideas who are the danger . 危險的就是這些一門心思的人。

There is no danger of my being the last of them . 無疑,我將成為他們之中的最后一個。

To add to the danger , darkness fell upon the water . 更加危險的是,夜幕又降臨水面。

It adds up to scientific arrogance and danger . 那最后將導致科研中的狂妄自大和危險。

He spoke to the class about the dangers of smoking . 他對班上學生講了吸煙的危害性。

I now feel that the year 1944 was loaded with danger . 現在我感到在1944年危機四伏。

A spice of danger affects people in different ways . 危險的處境對人的影響各不相同。

He felt the excitement of danger . 他感到危險的刺激。

They had shared a common danger and a mutual deliverance . 他倆共歷艱辛,同免于難。

Our forces have been withdrawn from the danger area . 我們的部隊已經撤出危險地帶。

I grasped that i was in danger . 我只知道自己處境危險。

There is less danger from insect and disease contamination . 病蟲侵染的危險較小。

It was cowardly of him to retrograde in face of danger . 他很懦弱,臨危時退卻了。

She was on the danger list , but is much better now . 她曾一度病危,現在好多了。