
dandyism n.1.華麗,時髦。2.花花公子的派頭[行為]。


There was the same handsome unpleasantness of mien , but now he wore neatly trimmed , old - fashioned whiskers , the sable moustache having disappeared ; and his dress was half - clerical , a modification which had changed his expression sufficiently to abstract the dandyism from his features , and to hinder for a second her belief in his identity 在那張同樣漂亮的臉上,令人不快的神情還同樣存在,不過嘴上原來的黑色胡須不見了,現在蓄上了修剪得整的舊式連鬢胡他身上穿著半是牧師半是俗人的服裝,改變了他臉上的神情,掩蓋了花花公子的面目,所以苔絲剛一看見他,竟一時沒有認出他來。