
damp n.1.濕氣,潮濕。2.(礦井里的)有毒氣體。3.消沉,...

damp proof

Damping wakes possible finite steady-state vibration amplitude at resonance . 在共振時,阻尼可能限制穩定振動的振幅。

After a week 's rain , everything in the house became damp and clammy . 接連下了七八天雨,屋子里什么都是潮呼呼的。

Envision the conductor as an assemblage of driven, damped oscillators . 把導體看成是大量受迫阻尼振動的振子的集合。

The fair hair that clustered round his forehead was damp with perspiration . 覆蓋在他額上的美麗的頭發汗濕了。

The damp rising from the ground caused the walls to stain badly . 地面上升起的濕氣使墻壁的顏色變得很難看。

In the laser this damping mechanism can be visualized as follows . 在激光器中,這種阻尼機理可以如下理解。

Let us now consider the damper attached to the mass of figure f2 . 現在我們考慮連在圖F2的質量上的制動器。

West of the mountains, the climate is damp from pacific winds . 山的西面,氣候因太平洋的濕風而變得濕潤。

The vibration will decay or damp as a result of the dissipation of energy . 振動因能量耗盡而衰減或阻滯。

The grey light of a late summer's evening lowered a damp sky . 深夏夜晚的天空在昏暗的光線里顯得很低。

The ardour was damped . 熱情消沉了。

John's wet blanket and put a damper on everything . 約翰是一個枯燥無味的人,他對什么都是干巴巴的。

The matches have got damp . 火柴受潮了。

“perhaps a little damp and agueish?“ said quilp . “大概有一點陰濕,叫人發冷吧?”奎爾普說。

Put the damp clothes on a hot kang and they 'll soon dry . 濕衣服擱在熱坑上,一會兒就炮干了。

Damp clothes iron easily . 濕衣服容易熨平。

She turned away, sighing, and his forehead was damp . 她嘆了一口氣走開了,他的前額汗津津的。

The soil was damp and black . 泥土黑潤肥沃。

Gross flow instabilities are damped and remain small . 總體流動的不穩定性受到阻抑并且很小。