
damnation n.1.指責。2.該死,該下地獄。3.詛咒,痛罵。4.毀...


Or perhaps they have prepared themselves in the wrong way , such as thinking they have done wrong in their lifetime , for example , like breaking some of the commandments . maybe these people have prepared themselves in a negative way because they thought they did something wrong in their life . so they expect damnation or punishment , and that s what they get 比方說,他們認為這輩子既然已經犯了錯,違反了一些戒律,所以也許有些人會以一種消極負面的心態去面對,因為他們認為這一生曾經犯了錯,所以就預期會受到天譴及懲罰,結果就真的會如其所愿。

There was much about the south ? and southerners ? that he would never comprehend ; but , with the whole - heartedness that was his nature , he adopted its ideas and customs , as he understood them , for his own ? poker and horse racing , red - hot politics and the code duello , states ' rights and damnation to all yankees , slavery and king cotton , contempt for white trash and exaggerated courtesy to women 南方的許多東西? ?包括南方人? ?他永遠不能理解;但是他依憑本性中的全心全意,接受了它的觀念和習俗按照他自己的理解方式,變成了自己的東西? ?打撲克和賽馬,火熱的政治和決斗模式,州權和對所有北佬的懲罰,奴隸和棉花大王,鄙視窮白佬和對女人獻殷勤。

The young do not desire the discipline of the path , but rather their curiosity drives them to try every fruit from the tree . thus it is that so many take the path of wandering or the path of damnation in their first years of adulthood , and so the great tragedy of our king is played out again and again as the number of our people shrink from generation to generation 年輕人不喜愛修行之道,卻在好奇心的驅使下去品嘗樹上的每一顆果子,因此,有如此多的人在成年后的頭幾年里選擇了探索之路和詛咒之路,也因此,我族的悲劇一次又一次重演,我們的人民也代代衰微。

There are five important forms of environmental tort liability , junction , removal of obstacles , removing a hidden damnation to the original state , compensation for losses , the way to remedies is consultation , conciliation , litigation , arbitration 承擔環境侵權責任的方式主要有我國《民法通則》中規定的停止侵害、排除妨礙、消除危險、恢復原狀、賠償損失等五種。

I have seen god power at work . i have seen only love and mercy in the realm of the invisible as well as the realm of the physical . there is no such thing as damnation , hell or revenge from god 我親身見識過上帝力量的運作,無論在無形或物質方面,我所見到的都只有愛心與寬恕,沒有所謂來自上帝的天譴地獄或報復。

And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you : whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not , and their damnation slumbereth not 3他們因有貪心,要用捏造的言語,在你們身上取利。他們的刑罰,自古以來并不遲延,他們的滅亡也必速速來到(原文作也不打盹) 。

Most of the nasty cards were addressed to the pot - bellied , cross - eyed , one - legged or to old maids , wishing them the three dreadful “ ds “ : disgrace , death or damnation 大多數惡語中傷的卡寫給大腹便便,斗雞眼,獨腿的女人,或是老處女,希望她們遇到三件可怕的事情:恥辱、死亡或詛咒。

[ kjv ] and through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you : whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not , and their damnation slumbereth not 他們因為有貪心,就用捏造的話,想在你們身上圖利;懲罰他們的,自古以來就沒有松懈;毀滅他們的,也不會打盹。

And so it is that certain individuals are born to serve god ' s favorite ibm , while others are condemned to suffer the damnation of amateur “ other “ computer companies 因此,毫無疑問,有些人天生就是為神的最愛ibm服務,其他的人卻不得不遭受神對那些只是業余愛好者的電腦公司的詛咒。

Woe unto you , scribes and pharisees , hypocrites ! for ye devour widows ' houses , and for a pretence make long prayer : therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation 14你們這假冒為善的文士和法利賽人有禍了!因為你們侵吞寡婦的家產,假意做很長的禱告,所以要受更重的刑罰。 )

And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you : whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not , and their damnation slumbereth not 他們因為有貪心,就用捏造的話,想在你們身上圖利;懲罰他們的,自古以來就沒有松懈;毀滅他們的,也不會打盹。

On the contrary , i shall have great pleasure in sending it to perdition to punish its maker , exclaimed the blasphemer . here s to its hearty damnation 相反,我寧愿叫它沉淪來懲罰它的造物主, ”這褻瀆神明的人喊叫著, “為靈魂的甘心永墮地獄而干杯! ”

And not rather , ( as we be slanderously reported , and as some affirm that we say , ) let us do evil , that good may come ? whose damnation is just 羅3 : 8為甚麼不說、我們可以作惡以成善呢、這是毀謗我們的人、說我們有這話這等人定罪、是該當的。

And not rather , ( as we be slanderously reported , and as some affirm that we say , ) let us do evil , that good may come ? whose damnation is just 8為什么不說,我們可以作惡以成善呢,這是毀謗我們的人,說我們有這話。這等人定罪,是該當的。

A tragic tale of love , loss and eternal damnation , set against the backdrop of the spanish conquest of mexico 一場愛的悲劇,一個古老永恒的詛咒,這一切,是由西班牙大舉進軍殖民墨西哥所引起的

So we always connect damnation with our luck , our beauty and our happiness , and this is not good for us 等等這類的話。我們總是不斷地詛咒自己的幸運美麗和幸福,這樣對我們不好。

“ i have committed enough sins in this world . to teach a kender magic would insure my damnation ! “我身上的罪孽已經夠重了。如果我再敢教坎德人魔法,一定會永世不得超生。 ”

You curse people with damnation and it happens , especially if you have determination and your will power into it 尤其是當你下定決心,投注強烈的意念的話,一定會有作用。

Which devour widows ' houses , and for a pretence make long prayers : these shall receive greater damnation 他們侵吞寡婦的家產、假意作很長的禱告這些人要受更重的刑罰。