
dally vi.1.調戲;調情,嬉戲;戲弄 (with)。2.閑蕩...

dally money

On the curve of the nearest hill she looked back regretfully at marlott and her father s house , although she had been so anxious to get away . her kindred dwelling there would probably continue their dally lives as heretofore , with no great diminution of pleasure in their consciousness , although she would be far off , and they deprived of her smile 在那所房屋里住著她的家人,盡管她就要遠離他們,他們再也看不到她的笑容了,但是大概他們的日常生活也許會依然同過去一樣,在他們的意識中快樂也不會有太多的減少。

Secondly , maintenance measure collection is founded according to asphalt pavement maintenance technology criterion and expressway maintenance decision - making tree , pavement is compartmentalized sixty states , every which has feasible maintenance measure combined expressway practice circumstance of jiangsu province . through input - output principle , dally fee is added up to maintenance cost model , which makes pavement decision - making assessment system more rational 其次,建立了高速公路瀝青路面養護措施集,根據瀝青路面養護技術規范和高速公路養護決策樹,將路面劃分為60個狀態,結合江蘇省高速公路實際情況,制定各種狀態可行的養護措施。并應用輸入輸出法原理,在養護費用模型中提出增加延誤費,使路面評價決策系統更加合理。

According to finite element segmentation principle , by combining test with observation , the author has measured the air streamline and speed distribution of burning equipment in dally situation , which provides some guide for research of air field in hearth on cold and hot conditions . and the law is found of air speed distribution by measuring its speed and distribution of upper and lower deck on cold condition , thus it lays the foundation for analysis on hot condition . under four burning states , we measure the air speed in single , double - deck , and find out its corresponding distribution law 5 .根據有限元分割原理布置測點,采用降溫方法,用k五江9106等儀器分別測出單雙爐排燃燒方式4種不同工況下,該燃燒設備爐膛內coz 、 02 、 co氣體濃度,并找到了隨爐膛高度方向及深度方向變化規律;從燃燒原理分析評價了2種燃燒方式爐膛內coz 、 02 、 co氣體濃度場分布特點及相應燃料層內干燥、干餾、氧化、還原、灰渣層厚度,肯定了雙層爐排燃燒方式爐膛中c02 、 02 、 co氣體濃度場分布合理性,從燃燒理論找出了最佳濃度場分布狀態及燃料層內各反應層厚度。

Theres a generals sedan - chair bearer who dallies with each of the soldiers four wives until he suffers the fate of samson , a japanese pot maker molds his wifes lover , a courtesan who fools her drunken husband , and a scissors shop owners wife who has too many lovers to cut 青年轎夫宗華假份王爺與王鼠偷歡,終被拉去大監。塑泥人高手井上吉谷峰,其夫人林伊娃與情夫山過成王俠偷情,以為夫人為他帶來大買賣呢。

It will be too late to train them after they reach thirty - really impossible . they do not deliberately want to dilly - dally or to be sluggish , but they just can t adapt to it . it is a very slow process rectifying their system from the root 從小不訓練,長大便沒有辦法訓練,超過三十歲就晚了,真的沒辦法,他不是故意要賴皮或是要慢,而是他沒辦法習慣,整個系統要改過來很慢很慢。

To carry out the metaphor a little : if you are going to cross the river , you must make haste , for if you dally on the raft , the current will carry you downstream , and out to the ocean - and then you will be stuck on the raft forever 再將這個比喻稍作延伸:如果你要渡河,你必須抓緊時間,因為如果你在舟筏上耽擱,水流會把你沖到下游,漂進海洋,那你就要永遠困在舟筏上了。

This might make them show a dauntless and stalwart spirit when they wanted to get their benefits and in other works , but in other hands , they might be fooled and dallied , let them attended to one thing and lose another 這也可能使他們在爭取自己的利益或創造性的勞動上,表現出一種不屈不撓的頑強精神,但更大的可能倒是被人愚弄,被人戲耍,讓他們顧此失彼,大上其當。

Looking dally at you , my good sir , and watching the tokens of your aspect , now for months gone by , i should deem you a man sore sick , it may be , yet not so sick but that an instructed and 我的好先生,我每日都在觀察你,注意你的表象,如今已經有幾個月過去了,我應該說你是一個病得很重的人,不過也還沒有病到連一個訓練有素而且克盡職守的醫生都感到無望和不治的地步。

She has seen dally from her chamber - window towers , villages , faint white mansions ; above all the town of shaston standing majestically on its height ; its windows shining like lamps in the evening sun 每天她都從自己房間的窗戶里看見教堂的鐘樓村莊和白色的屋宇尤其是高踞山頂的威嚴的沙斯頓小鎮特別惹人注意小鎮的窗玻璃在夕陽里閃閃發光,宛如一盞盞燈火。

Roaming the world in search of his lost self , he dallies with lots of women , all of whom believe they know him but really do not have the slightest clue about him at all 有一張令人傾心的臉孔,冷漠,忽來忽去,浪跡天涯,一直在迷失中尋覓自己,周旋于很多女人中間,每個人都以為認識他,實則對他一無所知。

They met dally in that strange and solemn interval , the twilight of the morning , in the violet or pink dawn ; for it was necessary to rise early , so very early , here 他們每天都在那個新奇莊嚴的時刻里見面,也就是在朦朧的晨光里在紫色的或粉紅色的黎明里見面因為在這兒必須早起,要起得非常早。

B : i ' m sorry manager liang , we must pack off this products at this afternoon , you must make up it at 16pm this afternoon , or else , we will dally over the outting times 不行啊,梁經理,我們今天下午一定要出貨給客戶,所以您今天下午16 : 00前必須將貨補上,否則我們的交期就延誤了。

I ' m sorry manager liang , we must pack off this products at this afternoon , you must make up it at 16pm this afternoon , or else , we will dally over the outting times 不行啊,梁經理,我們今天下午一定要出貨給客戶,所以您今天下午16 : 00前必須將貨補上,否則我們的交期就延誤了。

After this her dally tasks were gone through heavily enough , and brought on the day which was of great import to agriculturists - the day of the candlemas fair 自此以后,苔絲每天的勞動越來越沉重,時間也就到了對于種地工人具有重大意義的日子,即圣燭節集市的日子。

But when the telescope is dallying at a specific point in the sky , there is no point in recording on a single frequency for an extended period of time 當望遠鏡在空中某個特定方向上停了下來,在一個頻率上記錄一大段時間就沒什么用處了。

Yet it does not follow that because the president dallied with ms . lewinsky he should have been impeached and tossed out 總統和萊溫斯基發生桃色事件,他本應被彈劾和罷黜,但是事情的發展并不是這樣。

There must be no mistake , no vacillation or dallying because of her own smallness of mind 絕不能因為自己的見識淺薄而出半點差錯,絕不能夠優柔寡斷或者舉棋不定。

{ price rise does not have any advantage to anyone , the expert is dallying with the people obviously 物價上漲不是對于誰有什么好處,專家明顯是在玩弄人民

Where all the day one dillies and dallies . where each blissful hour is mealtime 那里整天都有精彩和好玩的事情發生。每個快樂的時光都是享受美食的時刻。