
daintily adv.1.優雅,好看。2.好吃,爽口。3.講究,考究。...


And yonder about that grey urn where the water moves at times in thoughtful irrigation you saw another as fragrant sisterhood , floey , atty , tiny and their darker friend with i know not what of arresting in her pose then , our lady of the cherries , a comely brace of them pendent from an ear , bringing out the foreign warmth of the skin so daintily against the cool ardent fruit 那邊,每逢灰色水池里的灌溉用水徐徐流淌,水面便起漣漪。水池周圍,你可以瞥見同樣香氣襲人的姐妹們:弗洛伊阿蒂蒂尼289以及她們那位身姿不知怎地分外引人注目的膚色稍黑的朋友櫻桃王后290 。她一只耳朵上佩帶著玲瓏的櫻桃耳墜子:冰涼火紅的果實襯著異國情調的溫暖肌膚,相得益彰。

The advance limited company is on the local international trade and the rebirth resources produces management basis of main business of share system private enterprise . more than ten years , its came out a road of healthy growth by started a business hardly with reform innovation , the whole management of the business enterprise management level and management the results level have already followed an excellent business enterprise stage . review the past , if the advance changing the system to still exist certain opportunity and the words of contingency in the forepart , so , the advance can obtain the achievement of today after the challenges of numerous markets and hardship worked , that was the inevitable course of history . because , she cohesioned a person of advance diligent create a property , sureness prosper industry , devise strategies within a command tent to create great industry and have great foresight for the future the spirit boldness of vision of executive officer industry ; she coagulated a person of advance to start a business , respect - work , frequently the spirit of industry with work hard , dare to ascent , daintily pursue , the character of be good at dedication 十多年來,經過艱苦創業和改革創新,走出了一條健康成長之路,企業的整體經營管理水準和經營績效水平已經步入優秀企業階段。回顧歷史,如果說,經貿創業在改制初期還存在著一定的機遇和偶然性的話,那么,經貿創業在經歷了無數次市場的挑戰和艱苦拼搏之后,能取得今天的成就,那就是歷史的必然。因為,她凝聚了經創人吃苦耐勞創基業扎實勤懇興實業運籌帷幄創大業高瞻遠矚干事業的精神氣魄她凝聚了經創人創業敬業勤業之精神和勇拼搏敢攀登講追求善奉獻之品格。

Developing foundation facilities of xi ' an and managing environment had been regarded as the direction of the urban spatial structure optimization . accoroding to the analysis of developing background of xi ' an , the optimization thinking had been pointed out . the urban competitiveness should have perfect urban foundation facilities , daintily urban environment and trenchancy urban visualize , which can accelerate industry to centralize and increase the urban competitiveness 通過對西安市近年來制定的城市經濟發展重點、城市空間發展戰略及城市規劃新理念等城市發展背景的分析,結合西安城市空間結構調整和優化的方向,提出西安城市空間結構優化的思路為:西安城市空間結構應具有基礎設施配套完善、生態環境舒適怡人和城市形象個性鮮明的城市空間優勢,促進產業集群,實現空間結構社會競爭力和環境競爭力大幅度改善,提高城市經濟效益,增強西安城市競爭力。

Ben stopped nibbling his apple . tom swept his brush daintily back and forth - stepped back to note the effect - added a touch here and there - criticised the effect again - ben watching every move and getting more and more interested , more and more absorbed 湯姆靈巧地用刷子來回刷著不時地停下來退后幾步看看效果在這補一刷,在那補一刷然后再打量一下效果本仔細地觀看著湯姆的一舉一動,越看越有興趣,越看越被吸引住了。

But i cannot tell : this same truth , is a naked , and open day light , mat doth not show , the masques , and mummeries , and triumphs of the world , half so stately , and daintily , as candlelights 我亦不懂得這是什么緣故:可是“真理”這件東西可說是一種無隱無飾的白晝之光,世間的那些歌劇、扮演、慶典在這種光之下所顯露的,遠不如燈燭之光所顯露的莊嚴美麗。

Just then , marguerite emerged from her dressing - room , daintily wearing a night - cap decorated with bunches of yellow ribbons , known in the trade as cabbage - bows . she looked ravishing in it 講到這里,瑪格麗特從梳妝間走了出來,嬌媚地戴著一頂睡帽,帽上綴著一束黃色的緞帶,內行人把這種裝飾叫做甘蘭式緞結。

“ have a good time , dearies ! “ said mrs . marth , as the sisters went daintily down the walk 當姐妹倆從樓梯上姍姍而下時,瑪基夫人說: “親愛的,愿你們玩個痛快! ”

Miss adela strangeworth came daintily along main street on her way to the grocery 埃德拉?斯特蘭沃思小姐沿著梅因街步態輕盈地向蔬菜雜貨店走去。

The orcas then daintily eat the motionless herring one at a time 虎鯨隨后就優雅地把一動也不動的鯡魚一只只吃掉。

Then she daintily removed costigan's dinner things, tripping about the room as she had seen the dancers do at the play . 然后她溫柔體貼地替科斯蒂根端菜,在屋里走來走去,腳步那么輕盈,就象她在戲院里看到的那些歌舞明星一樣。

“have a good time, dearies!“ said mrs. marth, as the sisters went daintily down the walk . 當姐妹倆從樓梯上姍姍而下時,瑪基夫人說:“親愛的,愿你們玩個痛快!”

Then she ran her fingers daintily along the smooth marble top of the many-coloured sicilian table . 后來,她又用手指輕輕地在色彩斑斕的大理石桌面上滑動著。

Miss adela strangeworth came daintily along main street on her way to the grocery . 埃德拉斯特蘭沃思小姐沿著梅因街步態輕盈地向蔬菜雜貨店走去。

The little creature was daintily decked out in soft, snowy muslin . 那可愛的小姑娘打扮得很漂亮,穿著柔軟白凈的薄紗衫。