
dachshund n.達克斯狗〔體長腳短,常用于獵獾、狐等〕。


Rounding out the top 10 of best - selling breeds are maltese , dachshunds , chihuahuas , yorkshire terriers , pomeranians , shiba inus , shi tzus , beagles , and siberian huskies , in that order 排行榜前十名的品種接下來依次為:馬爾他犬、臘腸犬、約克夏、博美犬、柴犬、米格魯獵兔犬以及西伯利亞哈士奇。

The advent of world war ii did not yield the same effects as world war i , because by then american breeders were well established and dachshunds were very popular 二戰的到來并沒有像一戰那樣給臘腸帶來災難,因為那時美國的飼養者已經很好的鞏固了,并且臘腸已經非常流行了。

Dachshunds like to enter into the spirit of everything you do , which isn ' t always the greatest help , especially when you are doing something like tying your shoes 臘腸喜歡參與你做的任何事情,但這并不一直都很好,特別是你做一些事比如系鞋帶的時候。

Featuring the variety of pets owned by daisy capell from rugby , england . includes pages on great dane , short and long haired dachshunds , snake , toad and stick insects -提供狗之品種介紹常識病徵詩句故事桌布下載留言討論區。

This is not to suggest that dachshunds dislike other humans - quite the contrary , especially if they are well socialized at an early age 這并不是說,臘腸不喜歡其他的人,相反,特別是他們在小的時候如果和外界接觸的很多。

During world war i , there was much disdain over anything considered german and unfortunately the dachshund was a victim of much hostility 在第一次世界大戰期間,德國的很多事物被鄙視,不幸的是臘腸也成了被敵對的受害者。

To increase the training of for example a boxer or a dachshund after reaching the age of one year or so is very difficult if not impossible 在拳師犬或臘腸犬一歲左右的時候增大訓練強度是非常困難的,否則就來不及了。

Good experiences with people at an early age will make your dachshund a very good canine citizen , who gets along with almost everybody 在幼年階段和人相處的好的經驗會是臘腸成為一個和人相處非常好的犬公民。

It is a good idea to let your dachshund meet as many people as possible at an early age , including adults , teenagers , and children 讓你的臘腸在幼年就盡可能的接觸很多人,包括成年人,青少年和兒童。

This is an example of a dachshund rule of play , and is probably related to their curious , but independent nature 這是臘腸玩耍規則的一個例子,這可能和他們的好奇有關,但也可能使他們獨立的本性。

Dachshund ' s master is never alone - they have a long , low shadow following them everywhere around the house 一個臘腸的主人是永遠不會孤單的,他們會在家里和主人長時間的形影相隨。

The first dachshunds were brought into the united states in 1887 , where they grew in popularity over the next few decades 1887年,第一只臘腸被引進如美國,在那里他們繼續生長。

In fact , they were sometimes the victims of stonings , and dachshund owners were often called traitors 事實上,他們有時會成為被石頭砸死的犧牲品,他們的主人會被稱作賣國賊。

Dachshunds can be very good with children , provided they are socialized properly when they are puppies 臘腸對孩子非常友好,假如當他們是小狗的時候就經常和外界接觸。

“ waldi “ , the first official mascot to appear for the 1972 munich games , was a dachshund 奧運會的吉祥物并不是一開始就有的,第一個吉祥物誕生于1972年的慕尼黑奧運會。

He grows to human size and shape . his dachshund coat becomes a brown mortuary habit 布盧姆摘下帽子,然而一眼瞥見那些,就皺起眉頭,微笑著出起神來。

- dachshunds are iittie dogs , hep dear . - they shouid aii be iined up and shot -臘腸犬是小狗,親愛的-應該把他們排起來槍斃

- dachshunds are little dogs , hep dear . - they should all be lined up and shot -臘腸犬是小狗,親愛的-應該把他們排起來槍斃

Dachshunds are little dogs , hep dear . - they should all be lined up and shot 臘腸犬是小狗,親愛的-應該把他們排起來槍斃