
dabbler n.1.玩水者。2.淺嘗者,涉獵者;(業余)愛好者。短語...


This tutorial is oriented towards software developers at all levels , from casual dabblers to professionals 本教程面向各個層次的軟件開發人員,從偶爾的涉足者到專業人員。

But dabblers can make do with mame on whatever computer they already own 不過業馀玩家可就任何自己現有的電腦,湊合著試試mame 。

The moon lake is crowded with dabblers in this summer evening 在這個夏日傍晚,月湖群聚了玩水者。

I have held this english dabbler person in contempt most 我最鄙視這種半吊子英語的人了

This type of error is very common among dabblers 這類的錯誤在涉獵者中是很平常的。

A dabbler in an art or a field of knowledge 在這個夏日的黃昏戲水者云集于月湖。

The dabbler in knowledge chatters away , the wise man stays silent . 半瓶子晃蕩,滿瓶水不響。