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d ration 美國陸軍的應急配給口糧。

d region

The f te de la f d ration of 1790 was a huge feast and official event to celebrate the arising of the short - lived constitutional monarchy in france and what people of the time considered to be the happy conclusion of the french revolution 1790年的“聯盟節”是一個官方節慶活動,意在慶祝短命的君主立憲制在法國的出現以及在當時被看作是皆大歡喜的法國大革命結局。

About gymnastics olympic sport since 1896 the f d ration internationale de gymnastique was formed on 23 july 1881 when representatives of the gymnastics associations of belgium , france and the netherlands met in li ge 國際體操聯合會fig成立于1881年7月23日,是由比利時法國荷蘭體操聯合會的代表在列日共同成立的。

The founding of the f d ration internationale de natation fina in 1908 was a pragmatic response to an increase in international sporting events , crowned by the olympic games 20世紀初,國際性的體育運動會日漸增多,而奧運會的出現則使這一趨勢達到頂峰。正是在這個時期,國際游泳聯合會簡稱“國際泳聯”于1908成立。

However , when the usa was admitted in 1921 , the committee changed its name to the f d ration internationale de gymnastique or fig , as it is known today 1921年,隨著美國的加入,聯合會更名為國際體操聯合會,簡寫為fig 。國際體操聯合會下設三類奧運比賽項目:競技體操藝術體操和蹦床。

The f d ration internationale de volleyball fivb was formed in 1946 國際排球聯合會fivb成立于1946年。

Fifa f d ration internationale de football association 法語國際足球聯合會