
cystitis n.【醫學】膀胱炎。


Besides , the pressure to urethra owing to bph also results in other inflammation of urinary system such as urethritis , cystitis , bladder stones and bladder diverticulum etc , and these illnesses also bring hematuria 另外,前列腺增生對尿道的壓迫還可以合并泌尿道的其它病變,如尿道膀胱的炎癥,膀胱結石膀胱憩室等等,這些病變也可以引起血尿。

The promising therapeutic effects of the toxin as regards idiopathic detrusor overactivity , bladder hypersensitivity , and interstitial cystitis have already gained great attention internationally 最近在治療不明原因逼尿肌活性過強、膀胱敏感癥,以及間質性膀胱炎方面也有很大的進展。

Trichomonad also can form cystitis , the patient has cystic stimulation except the watch outside the symptom , still can have eventually dust blood in the urine 滴蟲也可形成膀胱炎,病人除表現有膀胱刺激癥狀外,還可以有終末血尿。

Cystitis cystica , often occurring concurrently with pelvic lipomatosis , is a rare proliferative inflammatory disease of the bladder 囊狀膀胱炎是一種罕見的膀胱增生性發炎性疾病,常與骨盆腔脂肪增多癥合并發生。

Another example of papillary cystitis . the urothelium is hyperplastic . the lamina propria contains numerous plasma cells and delicate essels 另一例乳頭狀膀胱炎。尿路上皮增生,固有層含有大量漿細胞和微血管。

We report a case of pelvic lipomatosis associated with cystitis cystica and chronic metaplasia of the urinary bladder 我們報告一個骨盆腔脂肪增多癥合并囊狀膀胱炎及慢性膀胱化生的病例。

Feline idiopathic cystitis ( fic ) literally means an inflammation of the urinary bladder in cats of unknown origin 依字面解釋,貓自發性膀胱炎( fic )是一種不明原因引起的貓膀胱發炎。

Bladder infection one of the best ways to treat a bladder infection such as cystitis is with cranberry concentrate 膀胱感染越橘濃縮物是治療膀胱炎等疾病的一種靈丹妙藥。

Transurethral electrocision combined bcg vaccine and interleukin bladder perfusion treat for cystitis glandularis 17 cases report 膀胱灌注治療腺性膀胱炎附17例報告

There may be a bacterial agent accompanying this inflammation , and cystitis or urethritis may also be present 可伴有細菌感染,也可同時伴有膀胱炎或尿道炎。

This bladder at autopsy has been opened to reveal areas of hyperemia of the mucosa . this is acute cystitis 尸檢剖開膀胱顯示充血粘膜,是急性膀胱炎的表現。

Known for its health - giving benefits , especially as a treatment for cystitis in women 眾所周知其對健康的益處,特別對患有膀胱炎的婦女。

Another example of cystitis glandularis intestinal type ( intestinal metaplasia ) 分布廣泛的腸上皮化生。