
cystectomy n.【醫學】囊切;(膽囊,膀胱)切除(術)。


He is also an expert in various open urological surgery like the radical nephrectomy and cystectomy , as well as endo - urological surgery like the transuretheral resection of prostate , ureteroscopic pneumatic and holmium laser lithotripsy , minimal invasive percutaneous nephroscopic lithotripsy and laparoscopic surgery , like the laparoscopic adrenectomy and nephrectomy 較熟練地掌握泌尿外科腔內手術,如經尿道前列腺電切術,輸尿管鏡氣壓彈道碎石及鈥激光碎石術,微創經皮腎鏡碎石術及各類腹腔鏡手術,如腹腔鏡腎上腺腫瘤切除術,腹腔鏡腎切除術及腎盂成形術等。

Methods : tofurther investigate the methods for bladder cancer treatment , twenty patients with bladder cancer were treated bypartial cystectomy combined with chemotherapy using submucosa injection arterial infusion from an implantedcatheter in the internal iliac artery 方法:應用膀胱部分切除手術加粘膜下局部浸潤注射絲裂霉素和髂內動脈插管定期灌注順鉑和阿霉素治療膀胱癌20例。

This fact warrants thorough follow - up of patients with high - risk bladder cancers and also whole - mount examination of the prostate after cystectomy to recognize the true incidence and extent of such tumor inolement 通過對高風險膀胱癌患者膀胱切除術后隨訪以及前列腺整體檢查的事實數據確認這種腫瘤發生率及其范圍程度。

Conclusion : this finding suggested that partial cystectomy combined with chemotherapywas clinically useful and valuable awaiting further investigation 結論:此方法近期療效好,是治療膀胱癌的一種有效的手段,值得進一步研究。

Diagnosis and treatment of unexpected gallbladder carcinoma immediate snd post cystectomy with 11 cases 膽囊切除術中術后意外膽囊癌11例診治分析

Complete cystectomy and low pressure reconstruction of bladder with ilium in situ : report of 15 cases 86例剖宮產術后鎮痛的臨床體會

Nursing of patients with total cystectomy and bricker ' s operation 全膀胱切除回腸膀胱術的護理體會