
cypriote adj.塞浦路斯島的;塞浦路斯人[語]的。n.塞浦路斯人...


The peace process is at the center of the cyprus problem after the 1970 ' s . in the fifth and sixth chapters , the author analyzes views of all parts and the features of the problem hi difference periods . in the late 1970 ' s and 1980 ' s , turkish cypriote negotiated with greek cypriote , at the same time they carried out partition ; and in the 1990 ' s strived for recognition by the world 1974年后,塞和平進程是塞問題的中心,本文第五、六章分析了在塞和平進程中,各方的影響和不同時期的特點,并歸納為70年代中后期和80年代土族在和談中推進分治、 90年代土族爭取國際承認和塞申請加入歐盟以及歐盟在塞問題上的重要作用。

It consists of two factors , its internal cause is the conflicts between the greek cypriote and the turkish cypriote , and its external cause is the big powers “ intervention 兩個因素即塞島希、土兩族之間的矛盾與沖突構成的內因,和由此而導致外國勢力卷入和干涉構成的外因。