
cynicism n.1.〔C-〕 (古希臘的)犬儒哲學,犬儒主義。2.譏...


Disillusioned with success dr brewis detects a sense of growing cynicism and disillusionment among women 布魯伊斯博士發現,女性中自我醒悟和看破紅塵的感覺正在不斷增強。

Renowned for their distinctive brand of humour , british ads are also fuelled by intriguing wit and cynicism 英倫必殺技除了別樹一格的幽默感,還有夭心夭肺的尖酸刻薄。

It is love that renders me the harmony between the cruelty of outside world and the cynicism of my heart 并且,也正是愛的賦予使我足以調和塵世的殘酷與我內心的憤懣。

“ i don t know , “ a touch of cynicism lighting his eye . “ now she has gone and done it . “我不知道, ”他的眼中閃過一絲譏嘲, “她終于還是做出了這種事。 ”

Thus , crime is common , apathy is de rigueur , and cynicism is rampant 從而,罪惡變得沒什么大不了,冷漠變成社交需要,而玩世不恭成了每個人的生活態度。

Some cynicism here : “ independent ” suppliers generally retirees from network (一些冷嘲熱諷: “獨立”節目提供者一般都是些從網絡中退下來的人! )

Not out of despair , not out of cynicism , not out of wickedness , but out of love 你哭泣非因絕望,非因譏諷的言語,也非因邪惡的事,而是因為愛。

Deep in the american character , there is honor , and it is stronger than cynicism 根植于美國性格深處的是正義感,它比悲觀失望更為強烈。

Given this history , cynicism about the idea of eradication is understandable 有了這段歷史,對根除瘧疾的種種嘲諷的行為還是能理解的。

The ditching of the sfo inquiry will feed the cynicism already widespread in britain 放棄sfo的調查將會激起英國本已普遍的譏嘲。

Well , i ' m here to tellyou that that cynicism which we think protects us , , , 那么我在這就是要告訴你們我們以為冷嘲熱諷保護了我們

I am , of course , aware that these remarks will be received here with cynicism 我當然意識到這些評論會在這受到冷嘲熱諷

You gotta watch this cynicism , roger . it ' s too easy in that job of yours 你得看看這種犬儒哲學,羅杰你那種工作太容易了

You know , there ' s a consistency toyour cynicism which is truly beautiful 知道嗎,你總是那么憤世嫉俗這一點可真帥

Cynicism about the government ' s intentions appeared justified 然而,對政府的合作態度表示不屑看來是有道理的。

Cynicism and cruelty . the cat 犬儒主義和殘酷.貓

The cat , cynicism and cruelty 貓代表犬儒主義和殘酷

And cynicism is a cohen family trait 冷嘲熱諷是cohen家族的招牌

Cynicism , that cloak that advertises ourindifference , , , 冷嘲熱諷這種斗篷表示了我們的不關心