
cynical adj.愛嘲笑人的,冷嘲熱諷的,譏誚的;玩世不恭的,憤世...


You ' re so cynical 你很憤世嫉俗啊

He maintained a cynical attitude , well grounded on numerous experiences 無數次的經驗使他對她們抱著一種譏嘲不屑的態度。

While those ofa cynical nature might think that adam was on the rebound . . 憤世嫉俗的人可能認為亞當是為了從傷痛中站起來

Many powerful americans are embracing the isg for cynical reasons 許多政客對isg調查小組抱有幻想是基于憤世嫉俗的思想。

While those ofa cynical nature might think that adam was on the rebound 雖然那些愛猜疑的人會以為亞當只是退而求其次

Isn ' t that a little cynical 這難道不可笑嗎?

In the most cynical way 我完全背棄了他的行事原則

A group of cynical journalists , we watched in silence 我們這一群以冷嘲熱諷見長的記者都在一旁看著,一言不發。

In today ' s cynical world , 在今天這個憤世嫉俗的世界

They are a great side , but we are not too sure why they are so cynical “也許巴薩感到我們會給他們帶來麻煩。

Wow , your friend ' s so cynical 哇,你朋友還真憤世嫉俗

Elizabeth : i think you ' d like it . it ' s not at all cynical 伊麗莎白:我認為你會喜歡的。一點也不憤世嫉俗。

Cynical : scornful of the motives 憤世嫉俗的玩世不恭的

Jeff : you see : very cynical 杰夫:你看:非常憤世嫉俗。

Your music conveys a lot of hope . it ' s not cynical 你們音樂里傳達了許多希望。它并不那么憤世嫉俗。

A cynical grin lit up the face of his youthful opponent 他那個年輕的對手的臉上露出了譏諷的冷笑。

The feeling of being cynical on zhu shuzhen ' s life history and marriage 再探朱淑真的身世和婚戀

It became a matter of cynical comment among the neighbors 這樁事情成了鄰居們冷嘲熱諷的話題。

She is getting more cynical about life 她變得對生活更加憤世嫉俗。