
cyclone n.1.【氣象學】氣旋;旋風。2.旋風器,吸塵器。3.【...


The newly revised tropical cyclone warning system in 2007 2007年新修訂熱帶氣旋警告系統

Enhanced tropical cyclone information service 天文臺增強熱帶氣旋資訊服務

The first tropical cyclone of the year formed in january 本年首個熱帶氣旋在一月形成。

For other information on tropical cyclones , please visit 有關熱帶氣旋的其他資料請瀏覽

Meaning of tropical cyclone names in 2004 2004年采用的熱帶氣旋名稱的意義

Statistical analysis on temperature cyclones on sw pacific 西南太平洋溫帶氣旋統計分析

Tropical cyclone warning bulletin for shipping 為船舶提供的熱帶氣旋警告

Tropical cyclone warning signal no . 8 or above 八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號

History of the tropical cyclone signal stations in hong kong 香港熱帶氣旋信號站的歷史

Tropical cyclone position and intensity data , 2005 二零零五年熱帶氣旋的位置及強度數據

2004 tropical cyclone overview 2003 tropical cyclone overview 二零零四年熱帶氣旋概述

Only three tropical cyclones affected hong kong in 2005 全年只有三個熱帶氣旋影響香港

Pamphlet - “ hong kong s tropical cyclone warning signals 香港熱帶氣旋警告信號單張

Tropical cyclones affecting hong kong in 2005 二零零五年影響香港的熱帶氣旋

Tropical cyclones affecting hong kong in 2006 二零零六年影響香港的熱帶氣旋

Contribution of clothes to hurricane victims of cyclone vance 賑衣物給紋斯旋風的災民

Economic and social effects of tropical cyclones 熱帶氣旋對經濟及社會的影響

Tropical cyclones crossing hong kong in 1999 一九九九年內橫過香港的熱帶氣旋

Forecast track and intensity of tropical cyclone 熱帶氣旋路徑圖及強度預測