
cyclamen n.【植物;植物學】仙客來。


Chifeng xiankelai services limited liability company operating a hotel cyclamen : fast food lunch and service companies adhere to : integrity - based , quality win for the corporate philosophy 赤峰仙客來餐飲服務有限責任公司仙客來家常菜三部經營:川菜、家常菜、粵才菜、各種菜系,服務公司堅持以:誠信為本、以質量取勝,為企業理念。

The cyclamen in good quality is graceful in style , bright and beautiful in color , artistic in stem , and it is of the medium height and of long duration of flower 摘要仙客來的花姿優美,花色艷麗,株型美觀,高低適中,花期長,為國際花卉市場主要盆栽觀賞花卉之一。

Cyclamen fully bloomed in greenhouses are sold directly to citizens of tokyo or delivered to their homes during the peak shipping month of december 在12月出售高峰期,溫室里盛放的花朵將通過直接出售或送貨上門的方法送到東京居民手中。

Effects of 60co - ray radiation on the growth speed and chlorophyll content of begonia tuberhybrida voss . , ph . viollacea rchb . , cyclamen persicum mill . , dahlia pinnata chlav 射線輻射對滇特色花卉生長速率及葉綠素含量的影響

Cyclamen are one of the symbolic potted flowers of tokyo , and approximately 350 , 000 of them are cultivated in the city each year 年末的風景詩“仙客來”仙客來是東京象征性盆栽花卉之一,每年城市里會培育大約35萬盆。

Cyclamen persicum was carried on with substract culture testing by useing of different complex substrate 摘要用不同復合基質對仙客來進行基質栽培試驗。

Annual changing patterns of nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium contents in leaves of cyclamen persicum 鉀含量年周期變化規律研究

Setting up cyclamen industry in china - introduction of senhe forest seeding coorperration 記浙江森禾種業股份有限公司

Study on biological characteristic and industrialized cultivation of cyclamen 仙客來生物學特性及工廠化栽培管理技術

Traditional year - end cyclamen - tokyo metropolitan government 年末的風景詩“仙客來” -東京都

Anatomical studies on the vegetative organs of cyclamen persicum 仙客來營養器官的解剖學研究