
cycad n.鐵樹目裸子植物。


A valid export permit issued by a competent authority of the exporting country is required . the more commonly traded artificially propagated endangered plant species include cacti , aloes , pitcher plants , venus fly - trap , cycads , cyclamens and orchids 本港較常見買賣的人工培植瀕危植物物種,有仙人掌、蘆薈、豬籠草、捕蠅草、蘇鐵、兔仔花及蘭花品種等。

25 species and 3 variations of 6 genus , about 16 percents of zamiaceae in the family , were introduced to xiamen botanical garden since 1975 to enrich the cycad diversity in china 摘要廈門植物園自1975年至今已引種保存澤米鐵科6屬25種和3個變種,約占世界澤米鐵科植物種類的16 % ,豐富了我國的蘇鐵目植物資源。

The cycads provide an ample and reliable source of food from june until october , while the yam is available for an even longer period 每年的六月到十月,棕桐樹的果子為人們提供了豐富而可靠的食物來源,而后者的獲得時間甚至更長。

An attractive fern , at first glance it looks like a plant of cycad and it is very suitable for cultivation as bonsai 本種主干直立,羽葉婆娑,極似蘇鐵類植物,具有重要的觀賞價值,適合作盆景。

Two important aboriginal foods are the fruit of the cycad palm , and a large nutritious yam 澳洲土著人有兩種重要的食物:一種是鐵樹目裸子類棕桐樹的果子,另一種是又大又有營養的山藥。