
cyberspace 網絡空間,虛擬現實。


Second , hong kong s international financial centre will similarly find an exciting future in the cyberspace 第二,香港國際金融中心的前景在數碼空間上亦大有發展。

Bandwidth is the information - carrying capacity of the wires and channels that connect everyone in cyberspace 帶寬是信息,是在網絡上聯系每個人的電線的傳送能力。

But critics of online relationships arguer that no one can truly know another person in cyberspace 但是網絡戀情的批評者認為沒有人能夠真正在網絡空間認識一個人。

Service type : an internet - based matching system that helps to find and meet business partners in cyberspace 服務類別:一個尋找及聯絡業務伴的網上配對系統。

Beijing ? an underground video sweeping chinese cyberspace has half the country cracking up [ 2 ] 網絡上迅速走紅的一部視頻短片已經讓半個中國樂開了花。

Cyberspace and the internet are changing the way many human resource managers operate 電腦空間和互聯網在改變許多人力資源經理的工作方式。

The number of visitors clicking off into cyberspace from the home page increased dramatically 這時,從主頁進入其它頁面的瀏覽者明顯增加。

Effective online marketers don ' t merely transfer hard - copy ads to cyberspace 講求實效的網絡營銷者們絕不是簡單地把平面廣告抄送到網頁上。

What do you think about prospecting for customers or developing new markets in cyberspace 在尋找潛在客戶或開拓新市場方面,您有何想法?

The t oymaker hates us for imprisoning him in cyberspace all these years Toymaker非常恨我們因為這么些年來他一直被我們關在數碼空間里

Wanna surf the net ? cruise the information superhighway ? fly through cyberspace 想要搜索網絡?超級高速導航信息?通過計算機網絡飛行?

For him , dance has been a portal to a parallel world , out there in cyberspace 對他而言,舞蹈是通往一個電腦空間里的平行世界的入口。

In cyberspace , there is nowhere to hide ; even the water coolers have microchips 在網絡世界中沒有藏身之處,就連冷水器也有微芯片。

The availability of cyberspace is set to change how businesses are done globally 數碼空間的出現必定改變全球商業交易的模式。

After the blog application is approved , the cyberspace should not be left untouched 博客申請之后,當然不能讓空間閑置著。

Laurie anderson is giving new meaning to the developing language of cyberspace 羅莉安德森給了網絡語言的發展下了新定義。

Phenomenology of embodiment in cyberspace - on the relationship between technology amp; embodiment 兼論技術與體現的關系

The toymaker hates us for imprisoning him in cyberspace all these years 被關在虛擬世界中那么多年他對我們恨之入骨

Material space , thinking space and cyberspace - some thinkings about human living space 關于人類生存空間的哲學思考