
cutty adj.〔蘇格蘭語〕1.切短的。2.性急的。n.1.短匙...


Before they were replaced by steamships , sailing vessels like the cutty sark were used to carry tea from china and wool from australia 在蒸汽船取代帆船之前。 “卡蒂薩克”號之類的帆船被用來從中國運回茶葉,從澳大利亞運回羊毛。

The first of the two ships to reach java after the race had begun was the thermopylae , but on the indian ocean , the cutty sark took the lead 比賽開始后, “賽姆皮雷”號率先抵達爪哇島。但在印度洋上, “卡薩薩克”號駛到了前面。

Before they were replaced by steamships , sailing vessels like cutty sark were used to carry tea from china and wool from australia 大帆船被輪船代替之前,象卡蒂薩克號這樣的大帆船是用來從中國載運茶葉,從澳大利亞載運羊毛的。

One of the most famous sailing ships of the nineteenth century , the cutty sark , can still be seen at greewich 人們在格林威治仍可看到19世紀最有名的帆船之一“卡蒂薩克”號。

The cutty sark was one of the fastest sailing ships that has ever been built “卡蒂薩克”號是帆船制造史上建造的最快的一艘帆船。

The cutty sark rolled from side to side and it became impossible to steer her 卡蒂薩克號向兩側搖晃著,駕駛這只船是不可能的了。

The cutty sark rolled from side to side and it became impossible to steer . 卡蒂薩克號劇烈地搖晃起來,無法駕駛。