
cuttlefish n.【動物;動物學】烏賊,墨魚。

cuttlefish tactics

Besides the rice congee with sweet potatoes , house specialties include braised pork in brown sauce , scrambled eggs with turnip , cuttlefish balls , fried oyster with fermented soybeans , oyster rolls , boiled chicken , braised pork feet with peanuts , steamed rice with crab , spring rolls , and more . ching yeh also serves banquet - style meals suitable for entertaining honored guests 地瓜稀飯是青葉的招牌主食,而招牌菜肴包括嚕肉菜脯蛋花枝丸蔭豉蚵蚵卷放山白斬雞花生豬腳紅?米糕炸春卷等,除此之外,中午時段另有潤餅切仔面可供選擇。

Introduction : unnamed a raiders game . pelagic fish on the hook , vases , network on the ground in the eye and crabs on the lower left on the floor cuttlefish right hand , the left hand squid , turtles , in the middle of the hill , right below the shellfish 第七集游戲攻略1 .游魚放在鉤上,花瓶,網放在地上的眼睛上,螃蟹放在左下的地上,烏賊的右手,烏賊的左手,烏,中間的小山,右邊下面的貝殼。

Shrimp is the main food source of cuttlefish , which scattered at the yellow sea and the bo sea of china from every december to the next march in the winter season . after april , it leave the water field to spawning against the current from south to north 為肉食性,平時以毛蝦鷹爪蝦為食,主要分布在黃海,渤海一帶,越冬期為12月至豎年3月底, 4月后離開越冬埸而進入產卵洄游,由南向北。

Unnamed a raiders game . pelagic fish on the hook , vases , network on the ground in the eye and crabs on the lower left on the floor cuttlefish right hand , the left hand squid , turtles , in the middle of the hill , right below the shellfish 第七集游戲攻略1 .游魚放在鉤上,花瓶,網放在地上的眼睛上,螃蟹放在左下的地上,烏賊的右手,烏賊的左手,烏,中間的小山,右邊下面的貝殼。

The left nostril is for breathing , and the right one is for making sounds . the valuable ambergris is found in the rectum . ambergris is the product of undigested cuttlefish beaks , usually sticky and in dark color 這種東西是因為它吞食烏賊后,烏賊的啄嘴堅硬不易消化,在不能通過抹香鯨的消化胃腸時,就會形成一種深色的黏質,也就是俗稱的涎香了。

After the screen , the player can in some animals choose one as its contestants , including ducks , goldfish , and bees , seals , cuttlefish , it seems more and more outrageous , and milk , giraffes and . . . 之后的畫面中,玩家可以在若干只動物中選擇一個作為自己的參賽選手,包括有鴨子,金魚,蜜蜂,海豹,烏賊,好像越來越離譜了,奶牛,長頸鹿以及. .

Usual source of food poisoning by such agents : inadequately cooked marine products e . g . jellyfish and cuttlefish , salted food e . g . salted vegetables and smoked knuckles or other food cross - contaminated by seafood 該等病原體引致食物中毒的普遍來源:未熟透的海產例如海蜇及魷魚用鹽腌制的食物例如咸菜及醺蹄或其他受海產交叉污染的食物。

Avoid high - cholesterol foods such as pig s brain , cuttlefish , quail s eggs , lard and so on . this will reduce the chance of cholesterol depositing on the blood vessels wall causing arteriosclerosis and heart disease 避免吃膽固醇高的食物,如豬腦、魷魚、鵪鶉蛋、豬油等,以減低膽固醇積聚、血管硬化和心臟病的機會。

When there is a gap between one ' s real and one ' s declared aims , one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms , like a cuttlefish spurting out ink 只要事實與宣稱的目的之間存在差距,一個人就會本能地轉而使用長詞和大量方言,如同烏賊噴出墨汁。

Seafood that is rich in cholesterol , such as abalone , cuttlefish , squid and hairy crab should only be eaten in moderation 至于膽固醇含量較高的海產食物,如鮑魚、墨魚、魷魚、大閘蟹等,亦應適可而止。

It is famous for big and small yellow croacker , ribbonfish , cuttlefish and other species of economic fish and shrimp 舟山漁場是中國著名的漁場。以盛產大小黃魚帶魚墨魚及其它經濟魚類及蝦類而聞名。

Lettuce , crabmeat , octopus , shrimp , cuttlefish , onion , carrot and sweet pepper , with white wine and estragon sauce seasoning 什錦生菜、蟹肉、章魚、蝦仁、花枝、洋蔥、紅蘿卜、甜椒。佐白酒香草醬。

On summer nights , going fishing for cuttlefish on the sea has become a very popular pastime in recent years 在夏季的晚上,出海捕捉墨魚,亦是近年一項非常流行的消閑活動。

Scallop to be baked with shrimp , cuttlefish , clam , mushroom , lemon juice , and parmesan cheese 以大片扇貝為底, ?蝦仁、花枝、蛤、蘑菇、洋蔥、柳橙檸檬汁、白酒為醬。

The hallow tomato stuffed with mango paste , cuttlefish , shrimp , crabmeat , octopus , and fish slices 蕃茄肉身?入芒果泥和海鮮餡,包括花枝、蝦仁、蟹肉、章魚、魚片。

Shrimp , octopus , clam , cuttlefish and crabmeat cooked with tomato sauce and black forest apple tea 蝦仁、章魚、蛤、花枝、蟹肉,佐茄汁與黑森林蘋果茶。

Heat up the pan with oil and fry the frozen or defrosted cuttlefish ball till golden brown 將冷凍或解凍墨魚丸放入加熱的煎鍋里,煎至金黃即可。

Fish , clam , cuttlefish , shrimp and octopus flavored with white wine and saffron 蛤、花枝、蝦仁、蟹肉、章魚,以魚湯、白酒與西班牙紅花入味。

Fried dry cuttlefish 生炒吊片