
cutthroat n. 兇手;〔蘇格蘭語〕 角燈;〔美國〕(澀味)紅葡萄。...


In the cutthroat competition and the ever - changing marketing climate , xipu electric power & electronics co . , ltd , which underwent fast development , encounters unprecedented challenge . the long - term standstill of marketing reveals the company ' s weakness in overall strategic planning . the management of the company , especially in the fields of the management and creation of marketing , appears to be weak and fragile 在市場風云變幻競爭激烈殘酷的經濟環境中,曾經發展迅速、起步較快的西普電力電子有限公司,遇到了前所未有的挑戰,銷售業績長期徘徊的事實背后隱含著公司缺乏整體戰略規劃,公司各方面經營管理尤其是營銷環節的管理和創新顯示出乏力和薄弱的體質特征。

The scale and economic profits of the company is at the top of the capacitors trade . in recent years , market competition is cutthroat . due to the our company meets great difficulties , at present we have great difficulties as well as good opportunities . situated at the crossroad of development , we need to layout the direction of advancement of our company 近幾年來,市場競爭十分激烈,公司遇到了較大的困難,但公司在品牌、技術力量和管理經驗等方面具有較大優勢,目前公司困難和機遇同存,正處于發展的十字路口,規劃公司的發展方向,研究公司發展戰略對公司的未來發展至關重要。

There are a lot of special technical talents in chengdu . facing cutthroat competition of talent , market - oriented talent system , and frequent flow of talents , the authorities of chengdu led the way in promoting the reform of talent system in the city and has made some achievements 成都市事業單位聚集了大量的專業技術人才,在人才爭奪日趨激烈、人才市場化日益突顯、人才流動日漸頻繁的新形勢下,我市率先在全國進行事業單位人事體制改革,事業單位人才資源的開發和引進取得了一定的成績。

At present , mechanical - electrical installation industry in dalian sees increasingly cutthroat competition . the main reasons for the author to choose this research topic is how to get out of the predicament and revitalize the enterprise and wo rk out an effective competition strategy to gain a competitive edge 目前,大連機電安裝行業競爭日趨激烈,企業如何擺脫困境,重塑輝煌,制定卓有成效的競爭戰略,獲取競爭優勢,是本人選擇這個研究課題的主要原因。

In such a client - oriented market full of cutthroat competition , the president , along with all workers and staff , in a credible and innovative manner , pledges to offer the clients excellent products and state - of - the - art service 市場是海,質量是船,品牌是帆。誠信立足,創新致遠,我們董事長和全體員工必將同心同德,群策群力,以質優取信于業主,以服務競爭于對手。

But today she participates eagerly in a physical education ( pe ) programme that emphasizes lifelong fitness and cooperation instead of endless callisthenics and cutthroat competition 而今天,她積極參與了一種體育課程,這種體育課強調終生健康和相互合作,而不是沒完沒了的健美操和激烈的競爭。

Michaels , daniel . “ dogfight : in the secret world of airplane deals , one battle up close - boeing , airbus vied to meet cutthroat terms of iberia . “ the wall street journal , 10 march 2003 混戰:飛機買賣的秘密世界,一場戰役-波音,空客與伊比利亞的競爭華爾街日報2003年3月10日

We need to strengthen guidance over and coordination among enterprises to avoid haphazard investment and cutthroat competition overseas 引導跨國公司把高端制造和研發環節轉移到我國,吸引外資加快向中西部、東北地區等老工業基地和符合產業政策的領域擴展。

Due to the good weather , fruits and vegetables have grown very well this year but the abundent supply has driven the price down to cutthroat levels 天氣好青菜及果子生了好及儕,但是豐收顛倒賣無好價,有耶俗到可憐,乎種菜耶強強欲無到本。

To avoid cutthroat competition , companies should explore the more deeply and unarticulated needs of customers and create new marketing space 對企業而言為了避免激烈的競爭,企業應該挖掘消費者更深層次的需要,開拓新的市場空間。

Is it better to be a cutthroat rivalry ? anyway , is such award meaningful when the cinema has few customers ? just doing anything like watching stars . . 在沒有太多人去看電影的時間卻舉行頒獎典禮,好像大家都只為了看明星。

Japan also has cutthroat competition in mobile telephones , with three main companies constantly trying to find new incentives to snare users 日本手機行業的競爭也很激烈,國內三大運營商為了吸引用戶一直在努力尋求新的策略。

First of all , we should refute the lawbreaking trader ' s concept that the business field is a battlefield and the competition is cutthroat 首先,不法商販認為: “商場如戰場,競爭是殘酷,這種觀點須加駁斥。

We need to strengthen guidance over and coordination among enterprises to avoid haphazard investment and cutthroat competition overseas 加強引導和協調,避免企業在境外盲目投資和惡性競爭。

But rest assured , you are just one of the millions to face discrimination in china ' s cutthroat job market 不過你也不用擔心,在中國殘酷的就業市場上跟你一樣遭受歧視的人還有數百萬。

It ' s a cutthroat business , and if we get backed up , we gotta work weekends 這個生意做起來蠻殘酷的如果我們稍微松懈的話,就只好周末加班了

My grandfather swears by his cutthroat razor for giving him a close , comfortable shave 我祖父靠他那把鋒利的剃刀舒舒服服地把胡子剃光了。

Cut - throat cutthroat 兇手,刺客

Is gonna be cutthroat . . . any media company , oil company , tobacco company 都是兇手. . .例如媒體公司,石油公司,煙草公司