
cutoff 1.〔美國〕近路,捷徑。2.【機械工程】停車(裝置);【...


The simulation result also shows that the input voltage has start and cutoff values 計算模擬還表明milo具有初始工作電壓和截止工作電壓。

Cutoff speed rpm 斷油轉速

Non - cutoff type nc o 無遮蔽型

Semi - cutoff type sc o 半遮蔽式

The image intensifiers are protected with high - light cutoff circuit 圖像增強器內置保護裝置,可在受到高光照射的情況時立即切斷。

Test method for molecular weight cutoff evaluation of flat sheet ultrafiltration membranes 平板超濾膜的分子量界限評定的測試方法

Application of technologies for seepage cutoff with concrete of earth in the yellow river dikes 水泥土攪拌樁在大壩防滲中的應用

Draft amendments to the personal income tax law set the cutoff point at 1 , 500 yuan 個人所得稅法案的草案將起征點定在了1500元。

A high temperature cutoff shall be supplied as an integral part of the heater 高溫關閉功能應該作為熱水器的整體之一加以配置。

Selection of diagnostic cutoff value of ckmb in the patients with suspicious myocardial infarction 在心肌梗死患者的診斷限選擇

Bco battery cutoff 電池電路斷路器

Normal call in cutoff time 下午4時

Application of deep mixing cutoff wall technology in panjin dyke protection project 深層攪拌截滲墻技術在盤錦堤防工程中的應用

Measuring cutoff wavelength of uncabled single - mode fiber by transmitted power 用傳輸功率測量未敷設的單模光纖電纜的截止波長

Buildup cutoff time 壓力恢復中止時間

Steel sheet piling cutoff 鋼板樁截水墻

Cutoff angle of a luminaire 燈具遮光角

Application of mixing pile cutoff seepage wall in the dam reinforcement construction 水泥土截滲墻技術在黃河堤防中的應用

Afco automatic fuel cutoff 自動斷油裝置