
cutlass n.(從前水手用以肉搏的)短劍[刀],彎刀。


Pierre could not at first make out what these frenchmen were about , dragging something out of the house . but seeing a french soldier in front of him beating a peasant with a blunt cutlass , and taking from him a fur - lined coat , pierre became vaguely aware that pillaging was going on herebut he had no time to dwell on the idea 皮埃爾開頭不明白,這些把什么東西拖來拖去的法國人在干什么但看到自己面前的那個正用鈍佩刀砍一個農民并搶奪他手里的狐皮大衣時,皮埃爾朦朧覺察到這里在搶劫,但他沒功夫想這件事。

Then all of a sudden there was a tremendous explosion of oaths and other noises - the chair and table went over in a lump , a clash of steel followed , and then a cry of pain , and the next instant i saw black dog in full flight , and the captain hotly pursuing , both with drawn cutlasses , and the forme streaming blood from the left shoulder 接著就是突如其來的咒罵和其他什么聲音的大爆發椅子和桌子倒在了一塊兒,跟著是金屬的撞擊聲,然后是一聲痛苦的嘶喊,接下來我看到“黑狗”拼命逃竄,而船長窮追不舍,兩人都拔出了水手用的短刀,前者左肩淌著血。

One party of soldiers trudged off , knee - deep in the snow , into the birch copse , on the right of the village , and the ring of axes and cutlasses , the crash of breaking branches , and the sounds of merry voices were immediately heard coming thence . another group were busily at work all round the regimental baggage - waggons , which were drawn up all together . some fed the horses , while others got out cooking - pots and biscuits 一部份士兵三五成群地分散開來,他們趟過沒膝深的雪地,走進村子右邊的樺樹林中,立刻就聽到了刀砍斧劈的聲音,樹枝折斷的聲音和歡快的說笑的聲音另一部份士兵在團隊的大車和馬匹集中的地方,取出大鍋和面包干,飼喂馬匹第三部分士兵分散到村子里的各個地方,為參謀人員準備住處。

After dinner the squire and the doctor sat by the captain s side a while in consultation ; and when they had talked to their heart s content , it being then a little past noon , the doctor took up his hat and pistols , girt on a cutlass , put the chart in his pocket , and with a musket over his shoulder , crossed the palisade on the north side , and set off briskly through the trees 午飯后,鄉紳和醫生在船長身旁坐了下來,一同商討軍情。當他們商議夠了,時間剛過正午,醫生拿起帽子和手槍,腰上掛著彎刀,把地圖放在口袋里,肩上扛著一支滑膛槍,翻過北邊的柵欄,快速地消失在叢林中。

And at the zenith of his fame , how he would suddenly appear at the old village and stalk into church , brown and weather - beaten , in his black velvet doublet and trunks , his great jack - boots , his crimson sash , his belt bristling with horse - pistols , his crime - rusted cutlass at his side , his slouch hat with waving plumes , his black flag unfurled , with the skull and crossbones on it , and hear with swelling ecstasy the whisperings , “ it s tom sawyer the pirate 只見他上身穿件黑色絨布緊身衣,下身是條寬大短褲,腳蹬肥大長統靴,還背著大紅肩帶,腰帶上掛著馬槍,身邊還別了把用損了的短劍。那頂垂邊的帽子上飄著翎毛,黑旗迎風招展,上面交叉著骷髏頭和白骨。聽到別人悄聲低語: “這就是海盜湯姆索亞西班牙海面上的黑衣俠盜! ”

But when i added to the gun an english cutlass with which i had shivered his highness s yataghan to pieces , the bey yielded , and agreed to forgive the hand and head , but on condition that the poor fellow never again set foot in tunis 但我還有一把英國彎刀,這把彎刀可以把國王的土耳其劍切得粉碎,當我在長槍以外又加上這把英國彎刀時,國王就讓步了,同意饒了他的手和腦袋,只是有一個條件,不許他的腳再踏上突尼斯。

He dashed at the barefoot frenchman , and before he had time to draw his cutlass , he knocked him down , and was pommelling him with his fists shouts of approval were heard from the crowd around , and at the same time a patrol of french uhlans came riding round the corner 他在光腳的法國兵還未抽出佩刀前,就撲了過去把他打倒在地,用拳頭捶他。圍觀的群眾響起一片贊許聲,正在這時,一隊法國槍騎兵巡邏隊在街角出現。

I was sadly put to it for a scythe or a sicle to cut it down , and - all i could do was to make one as well as i could out of one of the broad swords or cutlasses , which i sav d among the arms out of the ship 無奈之中,只得用一把腰刀來改做這種腰刀是我從船上的武器艙中取出來的。好在第一次收成不多,所以割起來也沒多大困難。而且,我收割的方法也非常獨特:只割下麥穗或稻穗,把莖干留下來。

Today , as jedi dangle from cables , swinging to and fro , i can ' t help but imagine a swashbuckling feel , like i ' m watching a pirate movie with daring buccaneers leaping down from the sails with cutlass in hand 今天,當絕地武士吊在鋼絲上前后搖擺時,我忍不住設想出一種虛張聲勢的感覺,就好象我在看一場海盜片,片中有大膽的海盜手持短刀從船帆上一躍而下。

The captain had risen earlier than usual , and set out down the beach , his cutlass swinging under the broad skirts of the old blue coat , his brass telescope under his arm , his hat tilted back upon his head 船長比往常起得早,出發到海邊去了,他那把水手用的短刀在舊藍外套的寬寬的下擺上晃悠著,黃銅望遠鏡夾在胳膊底下,帽子在頭上向右斜歪著。

He cleared the hilt of his cutlass and loosened the blade in the sheath ; and all the time we were waiting there he kept swallowing as if he felt what we used to call a lump in the throat 他擦了擦短刀的柄,又活動了一下鞘里的刀身,在我們等待的時間里,他不斷地咽口水,就好像我們通常說的有什么東西卡在喉嚨里似的。

Computer cutlasses machines , computer sized machine , laser wood kind daomu , mechanical instrument accessories , laser daomu equipment , computer cutting machines production and marketing costs 電腦彎刀機、電腦切刀機、激光木樣刀模、機械模具配件、激光刀模設備、電腦切雕打樣機的生產與銷售。

Silver had two guns slung about him - one before and one behind - besides the great cutlass at his waist , and a pistol in each pocket of his square - tailed coat 西爾弗身上一前一后挎著兩只步槍,腰間還掛著一把大彎刀,他的衣服兩邊開又,兩邊口袋里各放了一支手槍。

I snatched a cutlass from the pile , and someone , at the same time snatching another , gave me a cut across the knuckles which i hardly felt 我從柴禾堆上抓起了一把彎刀,同時另一個人也抓起了一把,在我的手指關節上劃了一下,這我當時幾乎都沒感覺得到。

He was a pale , tallowy creature , wanting two fingers of the left hand ; and , though he wore a cutlass , he did not look much like a fighter 他是個面色蒼白脂肪過多的家伙,左手少了兩個手指。雖然他也帶著把水手用的短刀,看上去卻不像個好斗的人。

Shown below was a custom order made by german customer , including a two handed axe that was 1 . 4 meter long , 1 . 4 kg and a basket - hilted cutlass 以下是一位德國客人的訂制品,當中包括一枝雙手斧頭, 1 . 4米長, 1 . 4公斤重,以及一枝籃型護手刀。

Pork , powder , and biscuit was the cargo , with only a musket and a cutlass apiece for the squire and me and redruth and the captain 這回裝的是豬肉火藥和面包干,此外,只為鄉紳我雷卓斯以及船長每個人各帶了一支火槍和一柄彎刀。

Meanwhile a third , running unharmed all round the house , appeared suddenly in the doorway , and fell with his cutlass on the doctor 此時,第三個海盜絲毫未損地繞著木屋跑了一匝后,突然出現在了門口,舉著他的彎刀向醫生砍去。

Elite pirates are chosen from battle - experienced pirates . both these fierce fighters and their sharp cutlasses lust for more blood 精英海盜是從戰役經驗豐厚的海盜當選出的。這些強悍的戰士和他們手中的砍刀都盼望更多的血。