
cutis n.(pl. cutises, cutes ) 〔拉丁語...

cutis plate

The high effective moistening elements of ceramide and ha etc . penetrate the depth of pores , reaching cutis layer , activating cells , enabling dry skin to re - gain the function of water and nutrition storage , supplying the skin with enough water and nutrition , in the meantime , forming a biological water - locking film in the surface of skin , stably tenderizing skin with water for 24 hours 好處:神經酰胺、透明質酸( ha )等高效保濕成份,透過毛孔深層滲透直達真皮層,活化細胞,促使干燥肌膚重新獲得儲水儲營養功能,讓肌膚水份充足,養分充足,同時在肌膚表面形成生物鎖水膜,穩定肌膚水嫩達24小時。

Drought resistances of leaves of 13 rasberry and blackberry were measured based on 7 xeromorphic indexes , including thickness of leaves , ratio of palisade tissue thickness to cutis tissue , thickness extent of palisade cell density , thickness of cuticular , thickness of two sides of cutis 摘要選取7項葉片旱生結構指標(葉片厚度,柵欄組織厚度葉肉組織厚度,細胞密集度,角質層厚度,上、下表皮厚度) ,觀察測定了13個樹莓和黑莓品種的葉片的相關指標。

Methods : we used 3 - 0 non - invasive thread for intradermal suture and fixed the eyebrow to the superciliary periost , then double eyelid construction was performed to remove the superfluous skin of upper eyelid in 23 patients with upper eyelid cutis laxa 方法:應用3 - 0無損傷線皮內縫合,固定眉于眉骨骨膜上,再結合重瞼成形術去除上瞼多余的皮膚,治療23例上瞼皮膚松弛患者。

The non - absorbable surgical suture ( medieal silk suture ) usage : operations of cutis , subcuticular , and orthopedies . made from natural silk , the suture is high tensility , even and can be easily knotted 非吸收性外科縫線(醫用絲線)是天然蠶絲制成,抗張強度好,線徑均勻,光滑,打結容易牢固可靠,適宜于皮內、皮膚及整形外科手術縫合。

It is recorded by essential oil complete works that lavender essential oil has functions such as relieving xerosis cutis , balancing mood , promoting sleeping , relieving headache and killing insects 《精油全書》中記載薰衣草精油有緩解皮膚干燥,能夠平衡情緒,有助睡眠,可減輕頭痛,有驅蟲作用。

Conclusion : thread - burying in eyebrow combined with double eyelid construction is a simple and effective strategy for treatment of middle - aged and young patients with upper eyelid cutis laxa 結論:眉埋線結合重瞼術治療中青年上瞼皮膚松弛是一種簡單有效的上瞼年輕化治療方案。

Zixue shengji ointment had obvious effects to promote the healing of rabbit trauma scalded by experiment . it is also improved tissue structure and healing of cutis in the trauma 摘要紫血生肌膏對家兔實驗性瘡瘍有明顯的促進愈合作用,可以改善創面皮膚的組織結構和愈合情況。

Objective : to introduce a method combining thread burying in eyebrow and construction of double eyelid for treatment of upper eyelid cutis laxa in the middle - aged and young 摘要目的:介紹一種埋線法固定眉結合重瞼成形術治療中青年上瞼皮膚松弛的手術方案。

Objective : as shown in published literatures , aplasia cutis congenita ( acc ) is an uncommon anomaly among newborns and is often overlooked when the lesion is small 摘要目的:先天性表皮發育不全為一種少見的先天性疾病,但往往因為缺損體積過小而被忽略。

It is recorded by essential oil complete works that ginseng essential oil can relieve xerosis cutis , improve cutaneous circulation and promote metabolism 《精油全書》中記載人參精油有緩解皮膚干燥,促進皮膚血液循環,增進新陳代謝。

Conclusion occupational exposure to low level mixture of benzene , toluene and xylene is harmful to nerve system , reproductive system , cutis and mucous membrane 結論職業接觸低濃度混苯可損害神經系統、生殖系統、皮膚黏膜。

Foot guard essence : it contains bio - grease , ve , vb and the other active factors . it can repair xerosis cutis , whiten and protect skin 護足精華素:含生物脂、 ve 、 vb等多元活力因子,能修護皮膚干燥皸裂、美白護膚。

Results : all the 23 cases obtained satisfactory clinical outcomes , with the upper eyelid cutis laxa obviously improved 結果: 23例患者術后均獲得滿意效果,上瞼明顯年輕化。

Intense pulsed light with the specific spectrum penetrate cutis , be transformed to heat 特定譜段的強脈沖光能穿透表皮,被色素團和血紅蛋白有選擇地吸收并轉化為熱能。

Conclusion ( s ) : aplasia cutis congenita is easily ignored when the lesion is small 當先天性表皮發育不全傷口面積很小時,極易被忽略。

Dermatomyoma , leiomyoma cutis 皮膚平滑肌瘤

Cutis laxa - corneal clouding - oligophrenia syndrome 皮膚彈性過度綜合征